by Amazing 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    It is fifteen hundred years before Jesus Christ. An Israeli soldier of Jah stands ready in his place outside the walls of Jericho. Finally, as the walls crumble down, many people of Jericho scatter and run, including families with babies in mommy's arm, children clutching their daddy's hand.

    An Israelite soldier see one of these families, and according to his marching orders, runs after this family. He first catches a couple of young children who can't keep up with mommy and daddy. He first grabs the 5 year old little girl. He holds her down. She is screaming, crying, and maybe wetting her cloths. The Soldier of Jah runs his sword through her little chest, and cuts her heart in half.

    The Soldier of Jah then runs to catch up to the 7 year old boy, with fresh blood still dripping from his hands - the blood of the slain child. He takes his sword and lunges it into the back of the little boy, and the child drops, devoted to destruction by Jehovah, the God of Israel.

    Finally, as the Soldier of Jah races to catch up to the parents, his garments now drenched in blood, he tackles the woman with baby in arms. He runs his sword through her vagina (a not uncommon practice in those days) and the tip of the sword pierces her heart. She cries one last breath and releases her baby.

    The Soldier of Jah now goes to swing his sword at the baby's neck when he hears the dad cry out to save the child, and take his own life instead. But, the Soldier of Jah just smiles and swings the sword while the dad watches the head of his newborn baby become severed and lifeless.

    The dad drops to his knees in tears. His whole family lay slain before him. The Soldier of Jah now lunges his sword into the chest of the man from Jericho. The dying man looks at the Soldier of Jah and simply asks - why? He then drops lifeless like his family before him.

    The Soldier of Jah, feeling proud of his duty before Joshua and before the throne of God, places his bloody sword back into its holder. He stands and surveys his kill - a man, women, father and mother, childen, a baby. He then sees a little sheep as one of the humble and few livestock of the slain family. He runs over, draws his sword again, and slaughters the little lamb to finish all this devotion to destruction - ordered by God, Jehovah of Armies.

    Evening draws near, and many Soldiers of Jah sit around the campfire, eating, drinking and recounting the acts of the day. Some had to fight a small amount of armed resistance, but no one of the City of Jericho got away ... total Genocide. And Jehovah God is well pleased!

    This, dear people is the cult mentality of groups like Jehovah's Witnesses. This is why they can act so cold and heartless, as they have brainwashed themselves on this kind of godly duty, total devotion without question to one they call Jehovah of Armies, as they contemplate themselves as Soldiers of Jah.

    Does God, the creator of heaven and earth, and the one who would let his own son die, really support this? Is this the same God? - Amazing

  • Stacey

    What a rendering tale. I cant believe it is supported by a loving god either. I dont want their "holy" books if this is what they are about.


  • larc


    If you haven't seen it, I think you would enjoy my thread on the book of Joshua. It's called something like, This week's Sunday School lesson. If you ues the search function at the top of the page, use the word School to find it, since I mispelled Sunday (Can you believe that?)

  • funkyderek

    Perpetrators of atrocities often claim to be doing God's work. the Israelites were no exception. Fortunately, the 5-year-old girl in this scenario at least suffered a quick death, not the years of humiliation and degradation she would have suffered had she been a Midianite (Numbers 31).

    Those who can induce you to believe absurdities can induce you to commit attrocities - Voltaire

  • Amazing

    Hi Stacy, Larc, and Funky: Thanks for your feedback. It seems that when we look at these Biblical events in another light, they are so grusome, and unlike what one would expect of a loving God.

    Larc, I will look up the posts you mention. And, after thinking and writing about this today, Voltaire's remarks quoted by Funky seem all the more wise and sobering. - Amazing

  • bajarama

    The sad thing is that these acts of genocide are probably among some of the few things in the bible that are true. What a sick twisted book the bible is, and this is only one episode of dozens of acts of genocide.

    I feel sick. How could you murder children and babies. People who believe in the bible and defend this shit make me angry.


  • ReverendRoy

    I can remember asking those types of questions of my older brother, also an elder, when I was 12 or so. How can a loving God command his people to do such awful things? I never have understood this.

    It was this type of thing that led me down the path to being df'ed, and to also keep questioning....everything!

    Thanks for reminding me, in you well written account, to question everything.

  • Oldhippie

    Geeeezz!!....Choppin' baby's heads off!!!..I never saw THAT in any of the dramas. Parents are often encouraged to act out Bible stories with their kids to keep it interesting and make the Bible characters real to them. Maximus quoted some figures to the effect that some 88% of young folks leave the organization. If parents started gettin' that graphic when teaching kids about these stories they'd all leave or those left would be psychotic.

  • bajarama

    Let me add this for all the fundy wackos on the DB. I was told that these pagen nations were evil, killing their own firstborn and such. If they were then they needed to die. It still gave Isrealites no right to kill the children of these pagen nations. How can you justify killing pagen people for killing their kids, and then kill their kids.

    You would not kill a child for the sins of his father would you. This issue makes me very angry at the idoits who still justify it, and the worthless human flesh that committed these crimes.


    Next Week: The Bible, When A Book Goes Bad.

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