I just been wondering recently about the bible and it's content.
There are certain things that seem to be basic principles that humans have gradualy built up an understanding of through the ages and have advanced mankind in numerous ways.
So if the bible is Gods word to man why didn't he mention these things earlier.
1.Germs. Humans have only recently come to understand the concept of germs and what they do and how to get rid of them.
Imagine the suffering that could have been releaved through the ages if humans had been taugh by god about germs or bacteria .The black death need never had happened.
2 Logic. why didn't he teach about how to come to logical and sound conclusions when confronted by an argument?
He could have taught how to do experements or how to test our theories.
Then humans wouldn't have had to stumble through history with incorrect logical systems and the resulting confusion when looking at this world.
3 Truth. Why not just say i am a trinity or not or this is the true religion these are its tenets instead of leaving it to get confused through time.If a prophecy has a double meaning or fulfillment why not just say it?
I cant see how anay of these things would give mankind an unfair advantage in the battle of love of Jehovah over Satan.
Whats the point of laws about love for humans etc when some practical points could have saved a lot of suffering through human history.
Think of the oppertunites Jesus would have had on earth to point things out to his diciples. When on the mount of olives he could have said "see that olive falling off that tree , thats gravity"
or when on a fishing boat at night " look at those stars they're millions of miles away and only a small part of our galaxy which is a tiny part of the universe and by the way the earth goes round the sun"
wouln't have taken five minuets to say it .