I am relly confused. One Jehovah wants control over unquestioning, unreasoning, obedient, robots. The other wants us to get to know Him, make a choice, and obey him by choice and loyalty. Which did Jesus represent? So one incourages us to make our own decisions, and forgives us if we make the wrong ones. The other says He is going to kill us, if we attempt to make a decision and make the wrong one. Does that not scare the kids into being scared to try to learn to make decisions? see what I mean?
How can you grow, if you don't make mistakes to "learn" from?
Did anyone sit down and explain, WHY thou shalt not covet? Did anyone ask? Thou shalt not lie. ok WHY? So, you simply obey unquestioningly? What does that make you? Me, I would like to know WHY. So I can learn more about Him, to be more like Him. Is that "wrong"?
Does anyone have any idea? I mean, if it is for our best interest. Couldn't it be shared, so we can grow wiser? I have no problem obeying commands, if I choose to based on the information I recieved. How do we know we are getting accurate intel? All we go on is opinions of others.
My next problem....Many say they have the "truth". If this is true, are they not saying they are GOD? I am searching for truth, Am I saying I am God? What kind of liability have they assumed in their quest for power and control over others? If they are God or the Truth, if they are lying, are they responsible for the people who follow them? Or are we responsible to check out them and protect ourselves from being misled? Would they be willing to have us question them to check them out? If they are God, I don't see how that would be a problem. That is "worship" as I understand it.
Any help here guys?
Your little brother,