TRO VS PPO court orders

by exodus 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • exodus

    Hi all,

    Any one on this DB knows if I should use a Temporary Restraining Order or a Personal Protection Order. I can't remember the difference between them. Which one should I use?. If anybody has any information please let know as soon as possible. It is very urgent!!!


  • Simon

    Hope I don't get your hopes up when you see a reply - just thought I'd bring it to the top. Hope everything works out whatever it is.

  • JeffT

    It varies depending on where you are. If you are in the US there is likely a free legal service that can answer your question. Trying looking in the community pages part of the phone book.

  • HoChiMin


    I can't say I know the difference but what would it accomplish? Some satisfaction maybe because restraining orders all run out at some point. They will just leave you alone for that period of time and it will not stop them from df'ing you or anyone else.

    Many compose beautifully written letters to try and postpone an announcement and threaten legal action. If legal action is brought up by all means pursue it but don't bluff as some do. The goons will call your bluff, remember they are bullies and they think they speak for god.

    If all threatened legal action was followed through a cascade effect would begin. There are only so many WT lawyer freebie goons to go around and just leaving someone alone to save money would be a way for them to start thinking differently. They have enough problems with new pervert cases cropping up all over the world to keep them busy. Timing is important also as the more actions against them at once the more difficult it will be for them.

    I for one would love to see this evil practicing organization stop and think of the real damage they are causing in peoples lives.


  • Patriot

    anybody knocking tonight?

    You know I'll take care of it bor, I'm their worst nightmare an xJW with a badge!

  • waiting

    Hey Exodus,

    In the usa, there is a large mega-company of lawyers called "Paid Legal Advice" where for a small monthly charge, you can have your very own lawyer at your beck and call - and to write really nasty letters for you.

    In our area (SC) - it works pretty well. I don't know if I'd have faith to go against a murder charge with them......but they're probably good with letters.

    We have a situation with our BOE, and we did have a lawyer, who did write letters to Legal Dept. We finally backed down, even though Legal Dept. said we could sue local PO for slander (they said elders were sued all the time, they didn't care - just don't sue the WT). We backed down because the PO is 80, cries at the drop of the hat, shakes terribly when nervous, turns beat red, cries for his wife's help, and she wears a shawel and a hankie at all times. Can you just imagine us not looking like royal SOB's for sueing him?

    The elders came to visit us on Christmas day - asking if we wanted to be known as jw's, my husband answered affirmative....and then we wrote a two page letter explaining our answer, and if we heard anything different, we'd consider that slander and our lawyer would - again - become involved. We sent Certified Return Receipt to them, and to the Legal Department, noting on letter that we had also sent it to our lawyer.

    We wrote that we would be glad to meet with them, along with our attorney, and to give us at least two weeks advanced, written, notification. Also to specifically state what they want to speak about with us so we and our attorney have time to prepare proper responses.

    We haven't heard anymore, but I think it all should be in writing, for later proof, and an attorney (giving his name) should be in each writing. A restraining order might not be a bad idea - if for nothing else but to add to your written proof of harrassment.

    Hope it goes well with you.


  • Kent
    We have a situation with our BOE, and we did have a lawyer, who did write letters to Legal Dept. We finally backed down, even though Legal Dept. said we could sue local PO for slander (they said elders were sued all the time, they didn't care - just don't sue the WT). We backed down because the PO is 80, cries at the drop of the hat, shakes terribly when nervous, turns beat red, cries for his wife's help, and she wears a shawel and a hankie at all times. Can you just imagine us not looking like royal SOB's for sueing him?

    I believe an 80 year old should be a grown up person, knowing slender to be illigal. If he was sued, the others would have been more careful

    We wrote that we would be glad to meet with them, along with our attorney, and to give us at least two weeks advanced, written, notification. Also to specifically state what they want to speak about with us so we and our attorney have time to prepare proper responses.

    Excellent advice, my friend:)

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between a fool and the JW legal department is that a fool might be sympathetic ."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

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