Are You Qualified?

by Honesty 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Honesty

    When I was a devout JW and a loyal worshipper of the FDS I always was reminded by the P.O. to use only brothers who were 'qualified' in the Sound Department.

    So, after I left the group I have asked myself many times, "Am I qualified?"

    I am a member of one of the largest churches in Knoxville, TN. There are many women who devote their time, money and energy promoting the Good News that Jesus taught and preached. Some of them are in F.A.I.T.H. coordinators, some missionaries asssigned to distant lands where they live year-round, only returning once or twice a year to visit friends and family. Some of them pray for the congregation during Sunday worship services. Some of them coordinate our Christmas in August festival where children receive new school supplies and clothing to get them started at the beginning of the school year. Some of them teach music and voice classes to young children to equip them for the different choirs we have. Some of them are Sunday School teachers of adult men/women classes. Some of them have husbands who are deacons and their husbands follow their directions when food, clothing, school clothes, etc. are distributed in the community. The only role they do not participate in is the role of pastor. It was a bit strange when I first started attending but after visiting several churches where I have addressed youth groups and congregations regarding the beliefs, doctrines and practices of the WTBTS and its asociated religion, the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses I have noticed the same in other Christian churches. It brings to mind a scripture penned by the WTBTS's most vocal proponent of anti-feminism, Paul the apostle to the Gentiles:

    Gal 3:27-29 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is no Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, heirs according to the promise.

    Therefore, I would like to ask the same question of you.

    "Are you qualified?"

    Evidently, according to Paul at Galatians 3:27-29 if you have been baptised into Christ you are qualified for almost every role or positin in the Christian congregation.

  • Dune

    After taking a feminist theory class, i've often wondered about that. It seems that as a witness, only males have any real worthwhile goals. The females can either pioneer, go to bethel, become missionaries or work at a building project. Sometimes i wonder hwo they expect most women to even stay in the organization.

  • ozziepost

    G'day Honesty,

    I'm not sure that you have the right application of the text in Galatians but no matter, for I agree with you!

    Mrs Ozzie and I found it strange at first but we quickly got used to it.

    These days Mrs ozzie is a children's ministry leader and also leads the whole congregation in prayer at times. Why, no head covering even!!!!

    When we attend bible college, we have women lecturers too.

    And why not?

    God bless.


  • Honesty
    I'm not sure that you have the right application of the text in Galatians but no matter, for I agree with you!

    Mrs Ozzie and I found it strange at first but we quickly got used to it.

    Hi Ozzie. I wasn't thinking about application when the scripture popped into my head. I just realised that in the Body of Christ (His church) gender doesn't matter to Jesus. He cares for everyone.

    It took me about 20 minutes to realise the WTBT$ has lied about Christianity for over 100 years. I got used to women performing duties, etc. in the church within a week or two. When one of the women tell me what needs to be done I getrdone just as if it had been a male that asked.

    BTW, I suppose we are what the WTBT$ refers to as evil apostates because we worship Jesus now instead of the Governing body of Jehovah's Witnmesses.

  • DocBob
    Evidently, according to Paul at Galatians 3:27-29 if you have been baptised into Christ you are qualified for almost every role or positin in the Christian congregation.

    The problem here is that the WTS applies these verses to the "anointed." See the following from the "United in Worship" book


    uw chap. 12 p. 98 The Meaning of Your Baptism ***


    Those who will reign with Christ in his heavenly Kingdom must likewise be baptized into death. (Mark 10:37-40; Col. 2:12) At their death they lay aside forever their human life, as Jesus did. And at their resurrection they join him in heavenly rulership. This is a baptism performed, not by any human, but by God through his heavenly Son.


    Those who are baptized into Jesus’ death are also said to be "baptized into Christ Jesus." By means of holy spirit channeled through Christ they become united to him, their head, as members of his spirit-anointed congregation, his "body." Because that spirit enables them to reflect Christ’s superior personality, it can be said of them that they all become "one person in union with Christ Jesus."—Rom. 6:3-5; 1 Cor. 12:13; Gal. 3:27, 28; Acts 2:32, 33.
  • ozziepost


    When you think about it, they've got it right, haven't they?

    Trouble is, they exclude the vast majority of their own members from its benefits!

  • katiekitten

    No, I think its dignified for a woman to wear a teatowel on her head to say a prayer if there are no men present - it adds levity and decorum to the proceedings to wear a bit of rag that has just dried the dishes.

    And its totally reasonable to get an 11 yr old boy to represent a group of mature ladies including his own mother in prayer to God, because he has been baptised. Im sure god has a lot more respect for a small child with a nob than for a bunch of clucking old women who have done nothing better with their lives than go out on field service all the time.

    And I can see that it takes a man to carry the microphone round the hall. Well it stands to reason, a woman just couldnt do it the same. Shed get all muddled up and probably start crying or something. No it needs a person with a willy to do it properly.

    Yes, brothers and sisters, its all good.

    (what a f00king ego trip it is for them)

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