well i have just spent a few days looking through most of the links and posts. i cannot beilve some of the things what have happend to the ex jw for god sake are these people realy human or what.it has saddend me to think that my daughter would even get remotely get involved with these kind of people never mind preach this kind of s**t . the 100 things page shes not keeping to that one as she as broke 59 of them in the last two weeks (but that dont matter doz it) . in some of the posts you told me to go along to the jw meetings so i asked her he said yes but what the hell am i to expect at these meetings can anyone tell me please will it be good or bad? i am sure you can help me thanks the devil 666
hi am back
by the devil 666 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hi, I'm a non-JW married to one. So my perspective is very much an outsider's point of view. Here's my description of a regular service.
As you can see, nothing much to sneeze at. Watch for the salesmen.
You will get talked at in the meetings, and you will be allowed to coment as long as you don't stray too far off script. You will have a lot of fake niceness thrown your way, and you may think, "Aw...what LOVE!" But they don't know you. So what do they love? Tell them you are disfellowshipped and watch the love vanish before your eyes.
Welcome back, DevilDad! I'm glad you came back by, I was wondering if you would be back. There's so much useful information and experience here, your best shot of helping your daughter is through a forum like this one.
The witness meetings are very boring and dry. When it is a question and answer thing, the answers are usually read directly from the paragraph of the book or magazine that the part is based on. There are a few ad hoc comments. Most like those better, but they aren't common. Also, it is not expected or desired for the audience to ASK questions. The guy on the podium asks the questions and the audience answers them.
You'll probably get "love bombed", with various JW's rushing to introduce themselves, ask your name, where you live, etc, etc. They are being sincere in a way, they really are happy that you're there and they think you're embarking on a wonderful journey to their faith. (No, really, they think that) You will probably get offers to study the Bible. "I'll think about it" would be a good response to get you out of it, but not shut them down.
Don't be fooled by the relative innocuousness of the meeting. "These people don't seem so bad" would be a reasonable response, but they won't be saying much about their no-blood-transfusion policy, or their rules about shunning former members. And they surely won't comment on how they control their members, since none of them realize that. It is most assuredly in your daughter's best interests to not become a JW.
Hang in there. Helping someone out is a process, it won't happen overnight. And it's frustrating, because you show them the facts and they look right at them, but they don't see them.
Be calm and rational with her. Be loving. (Vent here!)
what the hell am i to expect at these meetings
Extreme boredom. The sweet, sweet sound of those thin Bible-pages (oops, I mean Watchtowe-pages...) when the pages are turned, like leaves in the wind...(barf..) Warnings about the internet...stay faithful to Jehovah...the end is near... The peacefulness during the song when the meeting starts and ends, with people standing there with their eyes closed, gently swaying like retards...extreeeeeme boredom. Will it ever end? Just 15 minutes left...to late to go to the toilet...just 5 minutes left...God, the boredom...and that`s it. Just watch out for the love bombing. They will of course (!!!!!) see this as an opportunity to "save" you to into "Jehovahs organisation" (barf...) - and they will go to great lengths to do so! Remember, behind every smile and kind word you get (and you will get a lot!!! - especially if you smile back and don`t ask critical questions!!) - the plan is to get you in too, alog with your daughter. Remember that! It`s not true love they`re gonna show you, there`s gonna be a flipside to those smiles! Never forget that!
the devil 666
some very intresting comments i realy dont think i would be able to put up with all that crap with them all being folse towards you its not me at all . and i would be pulling my hair out because i would be wanting a fag haha and a pint then when someone spoke to me out of place i would lose my temper and knok them out so its pointless me goig i thing