by DaCheech 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Wow, thats crazy.
I wonder what was the guy's mentality when he did it.
And i sure hope no one says "He must've thought they were witnesses" or "Too bad it wasnt witnesses" or something along those lines...
That's horrible. The way that it was done it sounded like a gang initiation type thing - you know, where you have to kill or rape someone to get in or something like that.
Poor kids. --sigh
drew sagan
I had to meet some mormon kids once. Very sincere people. This is a shame.
That is shocking. We had two morman boys calling on us. Mostly it was Clyde who talked to them, and they even got to the point of having a study because Clyde had a lot of questions. Very nice young men. They invited us a few times to their church but we politely decline. I couldn't stand to go from one high-control religion to another, but there are some things I do like about the Mormans. One is that they value education. One of them is planning to become a dentist.
very much a shame to die so young.
people in general are more protective of their homes than they used to be, but this sounds like a mentally
ill person.
i had guns pulled on me twice in door to door work and was threatened with violence a number of times.
Oh you just had to demean the Mormons ....just when I was thinkin of takin on some cheerleaders as my other wives. Thanks for ruining my plans ya bastards!
As a Winchester collector, I hope that they not have been shot by a Winchester or other Browning design.
John Browning was also a Mormon
That's sad and leaves everyone wondering what that guy's motives were, did he hold a grudge against the mormons or was he just a nutcase?