New Evolution Book....

by Tuesday 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tuesday

    I'm wondering why no new Evolution book has come out since the last one. I mean that was in the early 80's if I remember correctly and there's so much new information about Homo Erectus, Neandertal and various other forms of human life before (or during if you want to get picky) modern Homo Sapien existence. I think it would be really fun to see what type of arguments would be made now, obviously the original Evolution book can be pretty easily debunked by current studies, I'm just curious what would be found more recently to combat the evil Evolution myth. I'm sure it would just be a more stringent view of Creationism or something.

  • Elsewhere

    Most of the convincing information used in the old book has already been debunked as being blatant lies, urban legends promoted as fact and blatant misquotes. There are plenty of websites out there that outline these problems.

    Perhaps the WTS has not been able to find any new information with which to write a book.

  • stillajwexelder

    If you look at trends I think they will steer clear. The trend is a mind-numbingly dumbed dwon brochure and a "prophecy' type book. We had Isaiah 1 and 2, Daniel etc - I fully expect an Ezekiel release in the next few years.

    I doubt we will see another evolution/creation book

  • sir82

    There was the "Is There a Creator Who Cares" book which came out sometime in the late 90's. It presents a warmed-over rehash of various creationist / intelligent design arguments, all of which pretty much boil down to " [whatever it is we are discussing] is so complex, it must have had a designer."

    The book studiously steers clear of pretty much anything related directly to evolution.

    I think that (1) the Society was thoroughly embarrassed by the scores of errors and and quotations out of context in the "Life, How Did It Get Here, By Evolution or Creation" book, and (2) somebody somewhere in the Writing Department realizes that the idea of special creation, at least as defined by the WTS, is impossible to defend in any rational manner.

    So, in keeping with the trend of the last decade or 2, they just released a book with vague nebulous reasonings, and hoped it flew.

    I doubt we will ever see again any attempt at seriously refuting evolution, or any other notion that requires reasoning above a 5th grade level.

  • AlmostAtheist
    So, in keeping with the trend of the last decade or 2, they just released a book with vague nebulous reasonings, and hoped it flew.

    And did it in fact, fly? Even as a dub, I remember thinking that book was lame. Did you ever hear any JW mention something to that effect?

    Not having evidence hasn't stopped them before, but you may be right about not wanting another evolution book fiasco on their hands. Too easy to just "reject" it without having to actually prove anything.


  • sir82
    And did it in fact, fly? Even as a dub, I remember thinking that book was lame. Did you ever hear any JW mention something to that effect?

    You are speaking of JWs, of course.

    For those that function at the usual level of non-thinking, the book was a "marvelous provision from Jah".

    For the few capable of rational thought, they either keep quiet or leave when they can't take it any more. So, only positive comments about this book (as with every single other piece of literature) are heard.

    Personally, I found it fairly convincing when it was first released, but have read enough books on cosmology since then to realize its shallowness.

  • metatron

    I wonder how much shame they actually feel, safe within the isolated climate of Bethel. Nevertheless, over at,

    posts are arguing that the Society is intellectually drained, with no one knowledgeable about Greek, Hebrew, science or much else.

    Hence, the tired 'cut and paste' books they've descended into.

    Let's see: how did the Soviet Empire collapse? They became intellectually drained, suffered from defections and ran out of cash flow.

    Sound familiar?


  • Woodsman

    I got kicked off Channel C because I didn't agree with the moderator. Shunned again.

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    There's just so much strong genomic evidence coming in all the time, that I doubt the WTS' writers will ever be able to credibly question descent with modification again. I've never heard a peep on the interesting study comparing the mtDNA of Neandertals and Moderns for example.

    The Society had to rip off most of their arguments from other creationists in the past. They'll do the same again. I figure they'll really only be able to make the most of all the unanswered quesions in abiogenesis to cast doubts on evolution even having something to work on. And by so doing, bolster the seeming rationality of their special creation scenario.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    that's exactly it midget, what you said...

    the JW books are some of the easiest to tear apart if one was so inclined. actually, corey carroll and alanF already did on

    basically their books on evolution miscontrue it (like the creationists on this board too, interestingly) into a question of abiogenesis, and not a question of evolution by natural, cumulative selection. whatever, their loss.

    argument from design. argument from incredulity. argument from ignorance. they've all been torn to shreds in the 20th century.


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