After leaving the JWs did you have any vivid or significant dreams that involved them, elders, COs, or R&F? Did you try to resolve outstanding issues with them in these dreams?
Dreams involving the JWs
by greendawn 6 Replies latest jw friends
I had one dream.
I arrived at my old KH and while there I kept wondering why I was there since I strongly did not want to be there. I kept trying to leave but people and obstacles prevented me from leaving.
Yes, I had many dreams - some of them I was helpless. In other dreams I yelled and told off the elders, my parents, ect.
I have confronted my mom, and it did help me feel much more settled and in control of my life. We (my husband & I) had several 'discussions' with some elders - one elder got so mad he got up and left - my husband had proved a point wrong and he couldn't refute it. It was very funny. even the other elder with him was laughing.
I haven't been to a meeting for more than three years and I still have dreams about being at a meeting, or at a gathering, or at a circuit assembly. I am sitting there BORED STIFF! I keep plotting in my mind how to leave. Last week, for the first time ever, I had a dream that Armageddon was here and I was in a house full of strangers. Big Jah Jah was pouring a heavy rain on the earth with strong gusts of winds.
Ironically, we survived!
I think that coming to this Forum and reading the various posts draws out things that are hidden in our brains. -
After leaving the JWs did you have any vivid or significant dreams that involved them, elders, COs, or R&F? Did you try to resolve outstanding issues with them in these dreams?
no. mostly just roll play fantasies about being satan...
Armageddon was here and I was in a house full of strangers. Big Jah Jah was pouring a heavy rain on the earth with strong gusts of winds.
I dreamt of being in an apartment with two strangers on the day of Armagedden...but istead of rain it was a red goo coming from the Potomic River in DC. and speeding toward the Whitehouse. Strange we both dreamt of being with strangers.
I keep having dreams the past few nights where I actually admit to my dad, or best JW friend that I have actually left. I think my brain and body actually need me to say it out loud, state my position or something. My sister who has left the JW's this past year is coming to visit next week so I plan on breaking the news to her - which should be music to her ears! She will be so happy. Good person to practice my news on......
I also have dreams where I'm at the KH and kind of floating through it. My feet don't actually hit the floor. I'm there but no one sees me. It's very surreal, and I feel like I'm in zombie land or something!! All I want to do is get out of there in the dream, but I'm floating over the floor and my feet won't carry me out.....frustrating! weird huh?