How will they spin 'the Bethel layoffs'?

by AK - Jeff 5 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I think they will call it 'Keeping the Eye Simple'.

    We found ways to reduce the bethel force in order to put more emphasis on the 'preaching work'. Probably in a KM article.

    Or maybe that has been done and I missed it already.


  • jgnat

    I have lived through several downsizing initiatives by my employer. I can guarantee that however they do it, the WTBTS will botch the job. The exiting Bethelites will need specific and focused support to help them through this process. Think of Onacruse's story and how his exit devastated him, rocked his world. And his resignation was voluntary.

    I think this is a great opportunity for the ex-JW community and not only OBSERVE the WT's demise, but also SUPPORT this new wave of disillusioned and disoriented group of people. I know WHAT needs to be done, I just need a little help with IMPLEMENTATION. PM me if you are interested.

    I'm off for a few hours, do don't get discouraged if I don't respond right away.

  • TallTexan
    Or maybe that has been done and I missed it already.

    I think there was a post regarding their reasoning, but I can't remember if it was from the publications or just someone repeating something they'd heard. Something about being able to send more out into the preaching work or some such crap.

  • skyman

    Remember a Spin master can fool the senses to believe that POOP smell like roses. The Spin master are at work I bet they are going to say something like this. We live in world that is streamlined and efficient, by down sizing we become better able to spread the Good News around the world that Jesus commanded his true followers to do at Mat: 28,19-20. We look with great expectation to the coming great day of God almighty when he brings to nothing his ememies that quickly is coming upon the world of ungodly men.

    The Dornes will eat it up just like they did not last time the Society down sized.

  • Axelspeed

    One thing I always hate is when I do something that later turns out not to have been the smartest of moves...and then later there is suddenly a rush of people who suddenly show up and say "Well you should've done this" or "You shouldve done that".

    Its even worst when they preface it with something like "Well I started to say something, but...."

    It is with those thoughts that I make the following suggestion to exiting Bethelites:

    Get what you can and what you think you may need...while you can. Once out, no matter how its framed or labeled, in financial real world dollar terms, most of you will basically have the same benefits plan as a Regular Pioneer with all its many benefits. COs, if one is able to snag one of these spots, may have it a bit better for a while anyway. For the rest, good luck on the job search. Bethelites- take note, you will be entering the real world now. No more cooked meals, made beds, automatic laundry service, medical. Get what you can while you can. If you have access to compelling inside documents that may later be of use...get while you can, you never know when you'll need it and wish you had. Yes, the friends will assist ...for a while, but ultimately it will only be you and your spouse. In the real world, when they lay people off, they will often wait till the last moment to let them know...and then proceed to have someone accompany them out the door. There is a reason they do this. Axel

  • Axelspeed

    ...forgot to answer the question. I've already heard this one:

    "They [WT] want us to concentrate more on the preaching work."


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