12 monkeys and a pile of bananas

by DannyBloem 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBloem

    There were 12 monkeys in a cage and at the ceiling of the case some bananas were placed. There was also some wood and things so that they could pile it up and reach the bananas.
    Some of the smarter ones figured that out, but when they climbed the pile of wood and reached for the bananas all the monkeys were soaked wet with a hose. The monkeys who tried really don't like that and stopped. After a few tries they knew that trying to reach the bananas would mean an involuntary bath for all, and so nobody tries anymore.
    How they put a new monkey in and as he wanted to try the obvious delicious bananas the other monkeys beat the hell out of him, so that he does not try again, because they do not want to get wet.
    The bananas are removed and still no new monkey are allowed to climb the pile of wood. All monkeys are replaces one by one, but still the practise to beat the shit out of their fellow monkey when trying to climb the pile of wood continues, even there are no bananas anymore, and none of the monkeys that is in the cage has actually gotten wet, or knows why.

    Isn't this behaviour not exactly what we see in most of the congregations?


  • tetrapod.sapien

    yes danny!! good one! awesome....

    The bananas are removed and still no new monkey are allowed to climb the pile of wood. All monkeys are replaces one by one, but still the practise to beat the shit out of their fellow monkey when trying to climb the pile of wood continues, even there are no bananas anymore, and none of the monkeys that is in the cage has actually gotten wet, or knows why.

    Isn't this behaviour not exactly what we see in most of the congregations?

    in religion my friend... in religion!


  • DannyBloem

    in religion my friend... in religion!


    yes agreed. (very much so) But you see this behouviour also in politics and in some companies.

    But just how the elders and CO's etc, handle things is IMO one of the best examples of this behaviour that can be found

  • freedomlover

    ...........interesting comparison DB.................

    very true, the similarities to any large corporation or group of people. the abuse of power...

    when I realize we're all just a bunch of abusive, self-hating animals it makes me understand wrongs a little better. doesn't make me like it, but I do comprehend it better somewhat.

    the witness mentality always reminded me of that song by Morrissey "we hate it when our friends become successful.........."

    stupid, retarted humans.....HA!

  • greendawn

    Humans fear power and are jealous of those that possess it because it can be used against them and that makes them feel insecure versus those that wield it. That insecurity translates to jealousy.

    In the WTS we have a perfect example of how power is being abused by a small group of inept power lusting men causing great harm to many adherents.

  • RunningMan

    I don't see this as a lesson in power.

    Basically, the monkeys had properly learned their behaviour, and acted appropriately. However, once the reason for the behaviour vanished, the behaviour continued. The lesson - continually challenge your assumptions.

    This is a good lesson for religious thought, business, and in fact, life.

  • DannyBloem

    This is not about power, abuse or jealousy.
    the monkeys do not have much other way of making things clear to each other.

    It is about the fact that a whole society or group can be perfectly organized, even knowbody knows why. Just follow the rules and none of them even knows why.
    They just do things, because they have always been done that way. No questions, no thinking.

    We have the same 'ability' as those monkeys that we sometimes forget to question some things that have always be done or tought in a certain way.
    Silly monkeys we are.

  • stillconcerned


    Is it true?

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