GB, Education, Jack-ass, Witnet?

by Pathofthorns 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pathofthorns

    Very interesting comments in this thread at Witnet. The original poster suggests how it was perceived by some to be shocking that Dan Sydlik (GB member) used the word "jack-ass" in a talk.

    But as pointed out by Bodhissatva in the following post, that it was who Dan Sydlik referred to as "jack-asses" that was the sad thing.

    Brother Sydlik was saying that Bethel especially needs people with skills, certifications, and qualifications. To make this point, he said (in his characteristic booming voice), "Of course, any jackass can swing a hammer."

    To call those who rejected higher learning and took up a trade as they were instructed, and then refer to them as "jack-asses" is highly insulting. Then to take people who have "skills, certifications, and qualifications" who basically were shunned as weak ones is absolutely mind boggling.

    Talk about shooting yourself in the foot (and everyone else who listened to you.) And they wonder why people are so upset?



  • AhHah

    This duplicity bothered me long before I left the JW's. Since the world is going to end soon, only a spiritually weak person would go to college instead of preaching full-time. But, by the way, we need those of you who already have any college skills before God called you, to come serve at headquarters, so that we can make more literature.

    When I was of college age, those who went to college were stripped of their "priviledges" and considered to be setting a "bad example". Then they pressure people making lower wages to give more money, and spend their vacations, when they are not working two jobs, to pioneer. And don't neglect your congregation responsibilities (and your family in your spare time). What a-holes they are!

  • TR

    Who's the jackasses now?

    Those who close their eyes to the fraud that the WTS is. I'm not referring to those who are struggling because of family members, just those who simply won't open their minds to the colossal botch of a religion the WTS is.

    I remember all of what you guys say. Looks like once again, the WTS is doing a 180. How many 180's & 360's does it take for someone to realize that the old light wasn't light at all. Now I know how informed ones looked at me when I was a JW.

  • AhHah

    Welcome TR!

    I know what you mean. I think back to some of the long conversations I had with some individuals at the door and at work, and how they tried to help me see how other beliefs might be true, without insulting my faith. I would not even recognize the possibility that they could be right; I had all the pat answers to any argument. I believe that some sensed a reasonableness in me before I even had the will to mentally challenge my beliefs and their real source. I was raised in the religion. I believe that has much to do with how long I took to recognize the many inconsistencies in the doctrines.

    How long have you been a JW? Glad to have you with us.

  • RedhorseWoman


    Just wondering, since I was also brought up a JW, was it really that you didn't notice the inconsistencies for a long time, or that you noticed them but refused to believe them?

    I know that there were many things that bothered me for a long time, but I kept shoving them to the back of my mind because I thought that somehow I was at fault for not having the proper mental attitude.

    I finally reached a point where the hypocrisies and inconsistencies had become so numerous that I could no longer ignore them.....but I still felt guilty about becoming inactive.

  • AhHah

    I am embarrased to say that I was unaware of many doctrinal changes from early periods. I was aware of the many wrong date interpretations over the years, but they had convinced me that it was a good thing -- being in eager anticipation, even if they were wrong -- just like the wrong expectations of the apostles with Christ. (BTW an important difference there that I missed was that the apostles were not making prophecies about dates or expectations for Christ to assume kingship.)

    I was aware of some small adjustments and 180's (Sodom and Gomorrah resurrection, oral sex between married partners), but I perceived these as relatively minor, not essential to faith, and comparatively small matters that should be allowed due to human imperfection.

    One thing that I never questioned that I should have, was why the FDS class could hide behind human imperfection when dates come and go (1975), but that they retain the priviledge until they admit their mistake to disfellowship as apostates those who dare to speak up in disagreement. They should be accountable. If they are truly God's channel of spiritual light to the world and speak under the direct influence of God's holy spirit, then they must be judged accordingly as the Bible they use says to judge a prophet of God. When judged by the Bible's standards they must be considered a false prophet. If they admit to not being a prophet (depends on which book or article you read) then they must allow difference of opinion without consequence.

    Surprisingly, what bothered me most were policies, procedures, unwritten rules, written rules which had no Biblical basis, which were nonetheless enforced as though they did. However, the true attitude of the GB toward the sheep were very much manifest by their rules and betrayed their motives to me, even if it was not on a conscious level for some time. I was especially irate about their irresponsible discouragement of education, which I eventually ignored anyway.

    As an addendum to this, I should add that although I was drawing away from total mental support for several years before I left, I still believed that JW was the true religion. Until I read and studied COC and ISOCF by Ray Franz, I did not put the whole overwhelming picture together. I was also very unaware of many older and embarrasing prohibitions (e.g. vaccinations) as well as false prophecies, which were often later blamed on the brotherhood!

    Edited by - AhHah on 12 October 2000 0:0:56

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