Circuit Assembly Program for 2006 service year

by TheListener 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TheListener

    In the August 2005 Kingdom Ministry

    New Circuit Assembly Program

    During the final days of this corrupt old world, it is vital that we maintain our spiritual attire and safeguard our Christian identity. (Rev. 16:15) It is appropriate, therefore, that the theme of the circuit assembly program for the 2006 service year is "Clothe Yourselves With the New Personality." - Col. 3:10

    First Day: The first symposium, "Manifesting Aspects of the New Personality," will highlight how cultivating the new personality benefits us in every area of our lives. How do we cultivate the new personality? That will be considered in the last two talks of the first day, "Discipline Yourself to Meditate Properly" and "Education That Molds the New Personality."

    Second Day: How the new personality influences our use of the tongue will be considered in the second symposium, "Cultivating the Tongue of Wise Ones." "Are You Conquering the Wicked One?" is the theme of the public address, which will highlight the need to remain alert to Satan's tactics. The last two talks of the assembly, "Keep Yourself Without Spot From the World" and "Daily Renewing the Man We Are Inside," will help us to shun attitude and conduct that conflict with God's righteous ways and to remain steadfast in our worship of Jehovah.

    How we look forward to receiving this encouragment to put on and maintain the new personality!

    Questions for consideration:

    First Day

    1. How do we put on the new personality, and why must we maintain it?

    2. How have some increased their share in the preaching work?

    3. Why should we avoid comparing ourselves with others?

    4. How can family members manifest the new personality within the family circle?

    5. How can we show loyal support within the congregation?

    6. Why do we need to display the new personality in the field ministry?

    7. What does proper meditation include, and how do we benefit from such meditation?

    8. What qualities will make us malleable in Jehovah's hands?

    Second Day:

    9. How important is it to use our tongue aright?

    10. What benefits come from using wholesome speech with workmates, schoolmates, and others?

    11. How can we apply Paul's counsel at Ephesians 4:25-32 in our dealings with fellow believers?

    12. What is the most honorable use of our tongue?

    13. What must we do in order to conquer the wicked one?

    14. In what areas should we endeavor to remain without spot from the world?

    15. Why must we daily renew the person we are inside, and how can we do so?

    16. What counsel from this year's circuit assembly program are you planning to apply?

  • AuldSoul

    Thank you, Listener!

    My wife is at this program today and tomorrow. This will be helpful.


  • AlmostAtheist

    >>How we look forward to receiving this encouragment to put on and maintain the new personality!

    Nice bit of manipulating. Who is this "we" the author was referring to? Mouse in his pocket?


  • robhic
    Second Day:

    9. How important is it to use our tongue aright?

    This could open the door for some interesting answer(s) by some demon-possessed, worldly scum!

    "Well, I feel my wife's / husband's use of the tongue to be a source of constant pleasure. What a wonderful gift from jehoobah!"

  • Honesty
    1. How do we put on the new personality, and why must we maintain it?

    13. What must we do in order to conquer the wicked one?

    15. Why must we daily renew the person we are inside, and how can we do so?

    This proves that they don't have the Holy Spirit.

  • BluesBrother

    Where have I heard these words before, Oh yes.. it was the assembly before and perhaps the one before that.

    I can see it now .. Second rate speakers, chosen for their willingness to stick to the outline because the good ones might say something the hierarchy had not included.. Demonstrations that bore the pants off of everybody and bear no resemblance to what it is really like out on the doorstep.. Experiences from dear old ladies and families with self conscious children , all carefully scripted and rehearsed ... Maybe one or two teenagers getting baptized in front of everyone in the custom built pool on the platform..

    Then the faithful eat their sandwich lunch , for two days running because the hierarchy have stopped any food service. Afterwards it is long drive home because the Assembly Hall is so far away - and up again with tired children on the Sunday for more of the same old stuff...

    Do I sound negative?? You bet I do.

  • Elsewhere
    2. How have some increased their share in the preaching work?

    3. Why should we avoid comparing ourselves with others?

    Uhhhhh, yeah, ok. Am I the only one who sees the blatant contradiction here?

  • gumby

    Robhic....LMAO! Stole the words right outta my!


  • luna2
    Why should we avoid comparing ourselves with others?

    What Elsewhere said! Comparing is what the WTS does. Elders compare one dub to another to decide their relative positions in the KH. The WTS compares itself to other religions and, of course, always comes out on top. Individual dubs are supposed to compare themselves to others in the congo and decide if they are doing enough, as well as compare their fellow dubs so as to determine who is good association and who is not. You are being judged and compared to others ALL the damn time as a witness.

  • Elsewhere

    ( Can't talk right now "cat's" got my tongue )

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