The following are some interesting creationist online arcticles which I think may prove helpful for those for those with a serious interest in the subject:
"The Paradigm of Naturalism Compared with a Viable Alternative: A Scientific Philosophy for the Study of Origins": excerpt: "I heard a prominent scientist state that 'even if creation was right I would have to deny it to be a scientist.' To understand why a reputable scientist would make such a statement, it is necessary to understand the role of naturalism in science. . . .":
"Implications of Paraconformities":
"Measurable 14C in Fossilized Organic Materials Confirming the Young-Earth Creation and Flood Model": This paper -written by 4 qualified scientists- gives both independent evidence for the recent creation and global flood (the presence of significant quantities of 14C throught the geological record indicates a recent age for all samples -which additionally would also thus indicate/require a recent global catastrophe for their deposition), as well as an explanation for the ratios within the catastrophic paradigm (for the additional possibility that much of the observed amount of 14C could have been possibly generated by a recent period of accelerated decay of sister materials see the more recent RATE results books by same authors.) . see also: "Evolutionary Explanations for Anomalous Radio Carbon in Coal": This arcticle was written to refute the claim that the radioactive decay of other isotopes (such as unranium) in rocks could at current rates produce the quantities of 14C observed. excerpt discussed by Fred Williams: "Rotta showed in a long, detailed analysis that 'The concentrations observed in coal are at least a factor of 100,000 more than what could be generated by neutron activation within the coal, and this is the best case. There is just not enough C-14 generated by the low-probability radium decays, spontaneous fission or neutron activation of the coal. The anomalous concentrations of C-14 in coal cannot be explained by any of these generating processes.' BTW, Rotta also cited evolutionists who admit that contamination is a toothless excuse, since the examples of in situ carbon-14 are so abundant." excerpt from William's site.