Hey. Has anybody thought about how meny JW it takes to convert one non-believer into JW. And how meny EX-JW it takes to get one JW out of organization? Then we could model grouth/decline rates of the organization. BTW is there any measurment of JW as ofcourse their own numbers probably is with additional zero at the end!
JW vs Ex-JW
by Shazard 5 Replies latest jw experiences
Hello Shazard. I do wonder what the ratio of JW to ex-JW is. Bearing in mind that most of the newly Baptised are children railroaded into it - so of those professed 6 million, how many are genuinely there?
My thought based on 34 years as a JW is that while there are 6,000,000+ active JWs there are at least twice that many living inactive or ex-JWs.
I don't know how you'd ever get the statistics. In our case, the two of us never converted even one person to the JWs. However, when we left we took 9 people with us.
In my cong me and my peers never converted anyone to being a witless, but ALL of the kids in my generation left. However, somebody must have been bringing them in because the numbers still seem to be the same at my old cong.
Which takes less time, coming in or leaving?
usually JW's have a protection mechanism, when you present them with hard evidence they 'close down' lol.
It would take the person on their own to wake up and see what is happening, and then leave the religion...often being pushed or presented with information pushes them further into it.