Hubby just came in from work and said that a gal that I knew from the KH had come in and they were talking about me. She said that it had been announced back in '99 that I had been DFed, and she was shocked to hear that I had left on my own and the way that I had. (I DAed myself by letter)
She asked him a few times if he was sure I had DAed myself....(like could he have been mistaken?) because their whole family was sure I had been formally DFed, and of course, had wondered what I could have done to be kicked to the curb that way, after 30 years of obedient WTS servitude, and so out-of-the-blue like that!!
Another surprise....SHE was not a JW any more (I don't know any of the circumstances) and her marriage to an MS had gone sour after about a year! Her older sister had been DFed (SHE was married to an elder at the time) and they were both extremely pissed of because the older sis and the younger sis hadn't been "able to talk to each other" because of the shunning order..but it seems that the older sis had never been baptized and the ruling would never apply under that regime!
Unfortunately, I cannot remember either one of their married names, the gals were in another KH and I never got to know them under their married names. I'll have to figure out a way to track this info down. She asked if I was "up" to having visitors as she's love to see me again (she was about 17 when I left---her sis was in her late 20's ) and I'd love to catch up on all that's happened since then! I hope she'll stop by!!!
Just thought I'd share this with you!