JW TV Streaming
by Wild_Thing 9 Replies latest jw friends
I was telling my sister (who is also no longer a JW) how they have a JW broadcast channel now and stream their propaganda all the time. So I decided to check it out again, and right now Anthony Morris is on there bashing higher education. My mother has recently told me that the JWs have lightened up about that issue and it is okay to pursue higher ed now. What a load of BS! -
Wasanelder Once
It is only a matter of time before their hubris catches up with them and they fall on their faces. Can't wait. -
It's not all higher education that they are bashing, mainly University education that requires four or more years. For instance, you can study to be a nurse but not a Doctor. -
It's not all higher education that they are bashing, mainly University education that requires four or more years. For instance, you can study to be a nurse but not a Doctor.
Yes, that is true. Which is ridiculous. I remember when they loosened up about vocational type programs. It was 1993, and I took full advantage of it and enrolled in the closest community college. And their stance hasn't changed since then. Its so sad.
They haven't loosened up on education. Nor do they like apprenticeship. Rather, instead of building a career that could sustain one while this system lasts (and, supposedly, be of help if and when their new system comes), they would rather people waste their time pious-sneering. Which prepares one for precisely nothing.
They haven't loosened up on money issues, either. Part time work only. No investments, either in paper or physical assets. Donate whatever spare funds you happen to have to the Worldwide Damnation Fund or waste them on stupid things (Grand Boasting Session expenses, pious-sneering, or that stupid pointless waste of two weeks they have hyped up so much--the Israel trip). This way, you don't get to enjoy your money and wealth now. You also don't get to prepare for a rainy day--and a megastorm is coming soon (financially) that will make Katrina of 2005 look like a tiny sprinkle. Rather, wealth is pointlessly stripped away.
And now, they are starting to come down on sexuality. Beyond just the homophobia they have always had, they have been pushing no marriage for "brothers" that have not been assistant hounders or higher since turning 23. I think this is just starting, and pretty soon we will be seeing absolute bans on "brothers" marrying if they have a gap in service as assistant hounders or higher, with no excuse (including being in the world until turning 24) and such marriages being disregarded (and treated as fornication). What other things they do to make sex harder remains to be seen. But, I expect worse as Jupiter in Virgo square Saturn in Sagittarius around March 22-26, 2016. Already, they have banned tight pants and anything that sets one person off from others.
They expect this to draw people into the cancer?
We will be seeing the GB's ugly mugs more and more often, showing themselves to be the scene stealing divas I always suspected they were. The up-side of that is the more exposure they get the more WTF moments will ensue.
WT: My mother has recently told me that the JWs have lightened up about that issue and it is okay to pursue higher ed now.
Well she's just wrong. They have most certainly NOT "lightened up." Anthony Morris makes that abundantly clear in his petty little rant.
Listener: It's not all higher education that they are bashing, mainly University education that requires four or more years. For instance, you can study to be a nurse but not a Doctor.
Although your second statement is true, your first one is not. If you listen closely to ToMo's rant you'll here that he explicitly defines "higher education" as four years or more of university level education as in the US.
The Searcher
And one by one, Witnesses are going to be subjected to each G.B. member's excruciating life-story!
Self-promotion and glorification for the "superfine apostles" who don't do a day's honest work to provide for themselves - but travel Club-Class wherever they go!
My loyal JW mom (a retired teacher and university graduate) is nevertheless confident that the rest of the GB will reign Morris in or give him the boot if he keeps it up.
Needless to say, I'm somewhat skeptical.
I am archiving these videos, for posterity. I download all of the videos that they put up on tv.jw.Borg for streaming.
They will try to distance themselves from these recordings one day, but the internet doesn't forget.