There is a program on BBC1 at the moment called "when satan came to town" about children forced into a cult and abused by their parents. Anyone wathing it?
When Satan Came T o Town
by mark hughes 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
mark hughes
Excuse my spelling on the post, I'm not PMJ, its difficult to type and watch television!
I'm watching it at the moment, its really wierd, they took all those kids without any evidence of abuse, and it seems like the social workers actually abused them mentally and emotionally, all very odd, it seems hard to believe it was only 15 years ago.
mark hughes
Sorry folks I must have read the program synopsis wrong it turns out it was all false allegations. A training video from America was given to social services about cults involved in child abuse which sent them on a witch hunt. Unfortunately, as we all know, they were not looking at the right cult! If they had looked at one we all know about they could have saved a lot of children from these disgusting people we often here about here and on other sites.
Hello again Ellie what did you think of it?
Haha, don't worry, no offence taken as I'm English, only living here.
About the programme, it just didn't make any sense, one little boy says he talks to ghosts and so all those kids get taken into care, no evidence, nothing.
Did you read the end bit, it said they spent a total of 34 years and 5 months in care, I just can't believe it.
mark hughes
Its shocking how it took so long to be proved false and all that time the kids were separated from their parents. Those two social workers are still working in child protection as well!
Are they really still in child care?
I hope they've been given some training.
By the way, I had a dream last night that I'd won the lottery so it must be true.