I am still hanging by a thread, the thread that keeps me is of course my family. Except that instead of feeling like a thread it feels like a giant knotted iron cable pulling at my heart. My family has always been “strong in the truth.” We are among the 5 th generation of witnesses, my great grand mother went to rutherford’s funeral, and being a witness has always been central in their lives. I went to bethel like my brother, and uncles before me and sat at the same sewing machine that my grandfather had sat at when he was there. So getting D’fd though it hasn’t happened yet will be more akin to having my heart ripped out and stomped on than for some. And my mother will cry. What’s also bothering me is that I have a very special relationship with my youngest sister. When my older bro, and sis, had moved on I was maybe 14 and she was 8 and I babysat her and taught her (we home schooled) through most of her childhood. Even though I’ve moved out from home and am married we still are very close, and I have come to support her like a daughter. She is 14 now and starting to think for herself and keeps talking about getting baptized. I think for the moment I have scared her off of that for a little while. She knows that I am not spiritually strong but has no idea that I am atheist. I told she should wait and be sure. Etc.. and she seemed to buy that for a while. I know my excommunication will devastate her.
Part of me wants to just keep on pretending, go to meetings. (I haven’t been out in service in at least six months but I also wear a full beard so the elders pretty much leave me alone.) And wait until she is 18 and then talk to her. No one knows about my real feelings and I could keep them a secret.
What have you done in a like situation?