We all know that the NWT is a truly lousy version if the Bible. When they started using the Bible why did they not add their own writings. I know they use the WT and other books but I mean, in the lines like the Mormans did. I just figured they want to "look" Christian.
Then I started to think about their claim that there have always been anointed witnesses since Jesus. Also their claim that all other Christian religons are of the devil. So I ask "Who compiled the differant writings into the Bible and said that there were the truly inspired writings?" Was it not the Catholic Church? If that is the case the that must mean that the Catholic church were the first anointed witnesses. But that can't be because they are from the devil. I mean after all they celabrate Christmas, Birthdays, Easter, they use the cross, you know all the things that the Bible Students were doing in 1918 when Jesus viewed all religions and chose the Bible Students as the true religon.
But really, if a false religion compiled the Bible why would the "true" religon use it and say that it is inspierd? If the reason is that those compiling the Bible had Gods spirit then that means that their is no way for anyone to be in a "one true religon". Because any religon that has Gods spirit, especially in something as important as communicating his eternal word to mankind, would have to be approved by him. Therefore we could not be punished for aligning with said religon as it was through them that God gave us his word.
I hope I am explaining my thoughts clearly. Please let me know if I'm totaly messed up in my line of reasoning. Thanks