What the hell is all this pagan stuff about i just dont get it, i had the jw's at my house a couple of days ago telling me it was ok to celebrate ones birth but the cake is the pagan part of it i dont think she celebrates her birthday though, but really can a cake be pagan am i the only one that thinks thats crazy, i was lost for words i find it strange yet she gives me the look that im strange cause i dont see i. I need to know more about this whole pagan thing if anyone can help any info would be great thanx.
what the
by kep81 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hi Kep! Maybe this birthday thread will helpful to you:
The witness give too much power to inanimate objects. Objects only have power and meaning if we give it to them.
So what if birthday cakes have pagan roots? Is little Timmy thinking about worshiping some pagan god as he blows out the candles? Would he have even known they had pagan roots if the witness didn't plant that seed into his brain? Who cares if December 25th used to celebrate the god Saturn? Does the date still hold that meaning? If they really believe in Christ, maybe they should ephasize how corrupt and commercial the holiday has become, not dredge up 2000 year old irrelevant ancient history.
What a bunch of superstitious whackos.
Maybe cake should be banned altogether because of its use in these bad wicked naughty evil pagan rituals. Otherwise those crafty little demonses might take you over.
Lady Lee
Gary I'm moving you over to this thread because I am moving the other one off the board
garybuss Re: what the
Post 3869 of 3869
since 08-Oct-01The Witness was confused between celebrate and observe. A Witness can observe a holiday or a birthday but they can't celebrate those, unless they are talking about observing and they are saying that observing is wrong, then they can't observe either, only they can take the day off with pay. Hope this clears this subject up for you. Happy birthday! -
JW's can NOT observe birthday's!
She flat out lied to you!
The "pagan origin" excuse for forbidding this and that really torques me. They whip that out and stuff it away at will, forbidding one thing on threat of DF'ing, while allowing something else and even promoting it in the pages of the Watchtower. Pinata's were mentioned in that birthday thread, and embalming recently came up as yet another pagan-false-religious-originated practice that the Wacthtower blesses. (Go to watchtower.org and enter embalming into their search box to see the article)
The JW rationale for not celebrating bdays is that the bible doesn't tell us to celebrate them. You should ask then why do the elders not anoint the sick with oil, because they are directly instructed to do so in James 5:14. If we are going to abstain from doing something just because the bible doesn't tell us to do it, then we should definitely do the things it does tell us to do, right?
In bible times, the word pagan was used to mean anything non-Christian. So if we are going to be accurate, computers, printed books, and telephones are pagan. She will probably respond by saying pagan means false religion. OK, what about wedding veils and wedding rings, which are rooted in "false" religion? Oh and red lipstick, originating with Egyptian prostitutes. Who decides which "pagan" things to abstain from and which to partake in? Answer: a group of men in Brooklyn, instead of the bible or {gasp} common sense.
Then birthdays are not pagan because they are mentioned in the bible. The bible writers went to the trouble of writing a story about birthdays but didn't bother to mention they are forbidden for Christians.
Tell her those things and see what she says!!