Could We?

by RichieRich 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • RichieRich

    Anyone active here should be familiar with , as it is a grea run by "JW's" who lobby for a reform on the society's stance on blood. I believe, that inside the society, we have another pressing issue that is, no offense, perhaps more likely to get support from average witnesses. And that is, EDUCATION. Tons of everday JW kids are so pissed because they are getting heat for going / wanting to go to college. Is there any way we (`postates) could start up our own little thing? perhaps Associated Jehovah's Witnesses for the Reform on Education? If so, I'd help...

  • Shutterbug

    Ok, ignore my earlier smart a** remark. The answer is yes. Find someone to set up a forum such as this one and inform every young person you know. At least it would be a start. Bug

  • YoursChelbie

    You're right that this is a problem.

    However, what I've found out is those who are still in the bOrg can have a great influence in young high school grads. You for example, can help some to to consider all their options on a one to one basis. Those who really are interested in an education beyond high school sometimes only need one person to support and encourage them to believe that they deserve the best education possible to fulfill their career goals.


  • rebel8

    That is beyond what I can do, but you could try starting threads on the following forums JWs frequent and see if you can get any of them to come to their senses:,, There are lots of JWD folk on those forums who will support your posts.

  • silentWatcher

    Tons of everday JW kids are so pissed because they are getting heat for going / wanting to go to college.


    Wonderful idea. But, make it a resource they can use. For example, give advice on admissions, alterative routes (start at a community school then transfer to 4 year school, etc).

    In my experience, the largest barrier Witness kids face will be financial. Most JW parents will not (or maybe cannot) support their child in college. A resource that lists the MANY grants / financial resources available to anyone who wants to go to college could be put together. Actually, this might be on the web already, and could be replicated in some form.

    Actually, type "financial aid college" into google, and start from there. Actually, I've known many kids that wanted to go, but without parental support were not in a position to go. This info would give them financial independence at least.

  • rebel8

    Here is an idea for an international one week campaign. You could adjust it to focus on the education issue.

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