WT teaches Jesus is SATAN

by Tallyman 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tallyman

    * http://www.intrex.net/talley/JesuSatn.html

    I kontend that THIS is the Absolute BIGGEST Flip-Flop
    the Watchtower Society has ever produced.

    Now, I'll raise y'all one, and call.
    . . .
    Okay, let's see youse hand.

    (btw, have there been any more flip-flops between, before or after 1917 and 1969 on this WTDoktrine?)


  • MikeNightHaShev

    What planet have you been living on that you didn't know Jesus was satan who admited he was the bright morning star=Lucifer Rev 22:16.
    His kingdom was not of this earth he exclaimed in John thus it must be in death as Rev shows his claim to having the keys to the abyss and being the keeper of the gate and he taught death worship.
    He was the son of perdition who fell to the pit in Acts 2:27 and
    1 Peter 3:19 which is what perdition means.
    Romans 6:4
    We were buried therefore with him by baptism into dead
    Colossians 2:12
    and you were buried with him in baptism
    Apocryphon of James
    ".... become seekers for death, like the dead who seek for life; for that which they seek is revealed to them. And what is there to trouble them? As for you, when you examine death it will teach you election. Verily I say unto you, none of those who fear death will be saved; for the kingdom of death belongs to those who put themselves to death!"

    Think carefully, the creators creation and grace is life the adversary disregards your life for sake of a place in death which is anti the creator and anti creation.

    You need to keep up or be left in the dark;

  • Moxy

    finished mystery is pretty humourous in light of current teaching if you have the privilege of reading a copy. some other really interesting interpretations that i recall:

    the pope is the devil. (not in so many words.) as evidenced by the roman numerals in the miter's inscription: 'VICARIVS FILII DEI' adding up to 666.

    all four horsemen, INCLUDING the white horse, are the catholic church.

    babylon the great is the catholic church. actually, i think pretty much every wild beast is too.

    this is the book that got them banned and arrested. go figure. on the other hand tho, it had more to do with political maneuvering in russell's wake than biblical interpretation.


  • patio34

    Hi Tallyman,

    Always enjoy your research and posts! Actually, this seems to be also an example of how the Bible is a fiddle upon which any tune can be played. Just depends on the fiddler.


  • Tina

    Not takin your meds lately moshiah mike?

  • Tallyman


    Was your post above part of your 'Stand-Up Routine'?

    I know I can butcher the king's englass, but you take the kake, hoss.

    Think carefully

    I did, and I Read carefully too, and I could NOT make sense of that running together/no punktuation MishMash you goulashed together.

    Could you please translate?

    You need to keep up or be left in the dark

    I'm gonna let you do your Goose-Stepping by your lonesome.
    I prefer the shade over what you're offering.

    BTW, Mike, are your related to Clayton J.Woodworth, by any chance?

    - - -
    (psssst, Tina... WHAT meds does he take?)

  • Tina

    pssssssss Tal hun,the kind you take when you think you're the messiah...."> T

  • Tallyman

    It occurred to me, when I was going back over this webpage, that I
    noticed the use of the words 'plain' in 1917 and 'plainly' in 1969
    hmmmm.... wonder if the ghost of Clayton J. Woodworth was "inspiring"
    the anonymous 1969 Watchtower Writers?

    To compare the two quotes - side by side - as
    The Watchtowerkult "explains" Revelation chapter 9

    The Watchtower (IOW, jehovahgod speaking) in 1917:

    [Which is] the angel of the [bottomless pit] ABYSS.
    But in plain English his name is Satan, the Devil.

    compared to-

    The Watchtower (IOW, jehovahgod speaking) in 1969:

    All this plainly identifies the "angel" as picturing Jesus Christ, the Son of Jehovah God."

    - - -

    Who could/would defend an Organization
    (claiming to be spirit-directed)
    which spews garbage like the above?
    Minor clarifications in exegesis
    of the Bible are one thing...
    but a TOTAL 180-degree FLIP-FLOP
    on The Worst Case of Mistaken Identity
    which could ever be made
    is quite another.


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