It occurred to me, when I was going back over this webpage, that I
noticed the use of the words 'plain' in 1917 and 'plainly' in 1969
hmmmm.... wonder if the ghost of Clayton J. Woodworth was "inspiring"
the anonymous 1969 Watchtower Writers?
To compare the two quotes - side by side - as
The Watchtowerkult "explains" Revelation chapter 9
The Watchtower (IOW, jehovahgod speaking) in 1917:
[Which is] the angel of the [bottomless pit] ABYSS.
But in plain English his name is Satan, the Devil.
compared to-
The Watchtower (IOW, jehovahgod speaking) in 1969:
All this plainly identifies the "angel" as picturing Jesus Christ, the Son of Jehovah God."
- - -
Who could/would defend an Organization
(claiming to be spirit-directed)
which spews garbage like the above?
Minor clarifications in exegesis
of the Bible are one thing...
but a TOTAL 180-degree FLIP-FLOP
on The Worst Case of Mistaken Identity
which could ever be made
is quite another.