Internet Security Update 8/24/01

by Amazing 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Hello everyone: I post this upodate from time to time for general awareness. Normally, I have about 20 blocks per day on my firewall, usually unused port access attempts, sub-seven Trojans, and one or two hacking attempts.

    But, recently, in the last month, my Security logs have doubled and tripled on a daily basis. About two or three weeks ago, I had an all time high of over 170 Security Alerts. Today it hit 125 Security Alerts.

    In addition to loggin IP numbers, I am logging other patterns, and it is getting interesting. I strongly suggest that if anyone does not have a good Firewall and Security system to get one. Norton 2001, V3.0 is good and costs about $30 to $50, depending on where you shop. Also, Black Ice is very good, as I am sure of other brands. [No, I do not own any stock in any of these companies.

    Just between May and August at least 800 to 1,000 new viruses have been created and launched. On average about 50 new viruses come out each week, and this is in addition to any hacking attempts that may be going on by people using Internet spy tools. My system so far shows that there are about 50,000 viruses that are out there. Most of these have been created in the last 5 years.

    My goal is not to alarm anyone, especially Newbies. Most of this junk comes from various sources all over the nation and world. I seriously doubt that we have any real concerns with the WTS, other than occasional Trolls. But, a little caution and some wise protective measures can greatly reduce problems. Anyway, some of you may have better information than I have shared, but I thought that this update would be useful. - Amazing

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    or, FREE for personal use - ZONE ALARM from

    I think the increase in port scans is primarily due to the "Code Red" worm causing infected machines to search for additional machines to infect. Code Red infects Windows NT machines only, but those are the ones upon which a great many business run their internet connections.

    Of course, I could be wrong. God knows I got this whole "Bible" thing wrong.

    - Nathan The Devil

  • Amazing

    Hi Nathan: Thanks for the info. yes, I know some people who have Zone, and feel very pleased with it. I am also aware of some people who were recently infected with 'worm' viruses, and they unwittingly spread it through their emails. Also, somehow some of these people were hacked and email was sent in their name containing the 'wrom' virus. None of them that I know of uses Windows NT.

    In a couple of months Windows XP will be out and replace Windows 98, ME, etc. It is supposed to have cleaned up some security loopholes, and it reported to be a much nicer environment, and very different from Win98 and ME. But, like the Tax Code, as soon as loopholes are closed, new ones open up. - Amazing

  • Naeblis

    It's the code red virus. Scanning the ports. I like apples. I'm going to go eat some apples.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    The Holy Spirit told me it was a WORM. If you say it's a VIRUS, you must be APOSTATE!

    Watchtower laboratories will soon be releasing a version of the JehovahOS that will prove invincible.

  • Naeblis

    Yes. Everytime you boot up you'll have a new screensaver with a message denying the screensaver had ever been anything different. In fact, they never claimed it was a screensaver in the first place, only a picture that may or may not save your screen.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Typical JehovahOS ("the system that shall not pass away") error message:

    "You execrable fool! Who told you to move your mouse pointer?
    By relying on your own understanding your have completely hosed
    your system!

    Do you want to reboot now?


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