god losing influence, Religion Gaining Power

by joelbear 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    god has very little to do with the daily lives of most people.

    religion has a very strong hold on the majority of people across the world.

    more and more religion has left behind the tenets that have to do with godliness or Christlikeness. kindness, love, mercy, gone gone gone

    religion is about power, it always has been, but its not as masked about it as it used to be, its flagrant. i don't think its near its end either.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    i couldn't agree with you more. I do think that the worlds relgious systems will have their day of reckoning, but who knows when.

  • Grog

    I had the same thought recently. Religion loves to define god. Give him emotions and such. Don't lose hope though. I think most of us are examples of people that left religion. I know that personally Its going to take an act of god to get me to join another religion. HA!

  • bonnzo

    religion is a snare and a racket..... the only thing 100% correct from the WTS

  • joelbear

    religion is a substitute for self trust and courage

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