Are You Psychic & Is Grace Still Following You?

by prophecor 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • prophecor

    The Sixth Sense, Extra Sensory Perception, Telepathic Communication, Psychic Powers. We were all taught from the WTB&TS, that these things were demonic in nature.

    I've always had a sense of myself as being touched, gifted you might say, at perception, being able to sense when something was about to take place. When I've been missing from my places of employment, often times, the strangest of things have a tendency to happen. Like a demonic wave passes itself over the area when I'm NOT THERE.

    In the middle of some of my most desperate of situations, a large ray of grace has a tendency to shadow over my life.

    Do you feel special? Do you think you're singled out by whatever GOD still has control in your life? When life throws you a curve, can you recognise where it wasn't just luck or even chance that brought you through, but a being singled out by something so much greater than yourself?

    We apostates, it seems to me, often have a hard time with the whole God issue. We're conditioned to believe that to be Apostate is the equivalent of DEATH and Seperation from God. Some of us find out later in life that nothing could be further from the truth. Some of us, never find out.

    How is GOD reminding you that you're still connected? For those who still believe, where has the unmistakeable prescense of God or the Super Natural made a showing in your life?

  • wednesday

    My views are evolving. When I first came to this board, I still believed in demons. I still held to what most jws think, that demons are everywhere and always trying to "get them". Then I realized that I was having a lot of sleep paralysis, thanks to this board. That took care of 80% of my psychic experiences. The rest, well I just don't know. A few were in broad daylight and I was not sleeping. .Two were shared experiences. What bothers me the most is dreams. I have dreams that come true at times. Usually they warn of illness. I would like a explanation for this, b/c if I could find one that did not involve spirit creatures or angles, being psychic ,etc I'd believe it.

    I recently bought "A demon huanted world" and am awaiting the arrival of "Why people believe weird things" . Hope to get some explanations that make sense.

    An elder used to tell me that if their were Guardian Angels , he knew I had one. Yes I do feel I am able to cope, I do still rely on God, but not in the way I did as one of jws. I am able to sense pain (I keep hearing Seinfeld saying to George"are you sensing any pain now") but that comes form having experienced pain a lot. So if my painful experiences have aided me to be a more caring and sensing person, well at least I have that.

    The further I get from jws, the less the demons, angels, psychic experiences , etc have on my life.


  • lonelysheep

    I don't think I'd ever call myself psychic, although I am an intuitive person by nature. Some of my dreams about others have come true, and other dreams have shown (reaffirmed, really) their feelings about certain matters/people/me.

  • GentlyFeral

    For most of my life, even pre-jaydub, I assumed I was about as psychic as a brick. Mom had cool psychic experiences (saw ghosts as a child and young adult), my sister had prophetic dreams, but for me – bupkes.

    For the past ten years I've been studying magic, and in the last couple years my Ooga Booga Factor has really taken off:

    • The number of useful coincidences in my life is increasing.
    • I have true dreams every few months.
    • I don't see auras, but I occasionally feel them – with my hands.
    • There's also a place outside the local light rail station where I occasionally smell "magical" smells when I need cheering up – specifically, John the Conqueror root or frankincense. This in a place where there are no jalap or morning glory plants or Boswellia sacra.

    gently feral

  • tweety

    Others have told me that I am, I will mention only a few of the things that I have experienced.

    • as a small child I saw ghosts
    • have many dreams- that come true
    • saw my nephew (only toddler at the time) lifted into the air and placed gently onto the floor
    • people have seen ghosts around me - which scared them
    • recently - saw a ghost
    • my children - when they were small saw a man standing by their bedroom's doors. They were screaming! I ran to the bedroom and they were shaking. They asked me if I saw the man. I started to describe him and they said, 'you saw him.' I told them, don't worry he will never come back.
    • I sometimes can speculate things before they happen - dates, months
  • Clam

    As a child I was definately clairvoyant and clairaudient. Coming under the influence of my elder JW sister, at about 15, I was convinced by her that this was demonic so shut it out. Then after leaving the JWs I got it back again. Coming from a science background I like to test everything, and I like to look at things from a skeptic's angle. But all said and done I can't deny what I see and hear, and btw thats not anything to do with mental illness or drugs, lol.

    Over the past two years I've been part of a psychic development circle run by spiritualists, and we're now moving onto physical mediumship. It's an anathema to many religious people, but I'm about as interested in their opinions as I am in "converting" people.

  • damselfly

    I can be quite intuitive about a lot of things in life. It was better as a child but was ( naturally as a JW ) shut down. It's something I am working on to develope further.

    I don't think that God's grace follows me, but I do know that if I truly need something I throw it out to the universe and it happens. It sounds silly but if I really need say, $20 by next tuesday I put it out there and it appears. No complaints from me.


  • sweet tee
    sweet tee

    I don't feel psychic in the sense of prediction although I am EXTREMELY intuitive. And I do feel that God's grace has followed me all my life, even while in the dubs. That's one of the things that made it easier for me to leave, realizing that God has always been with me and was never as hard on me as the borg was. Funny, it's a lot easier for me to comprehend things now that I've dumped a lot of the religious doctrines and judgements I used to carry around all the time. It's actually made me a much better person coming to grips with what I actually believe and why, as opposed to what I've been taught to believe.

    sweet tee

  • Seeker4

    I'm not sure if Grace is still following me, which I probably would if I was psychic!


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