I went to the doctor last fall to have my cholesterol tested and it was high. Rather then telling me to diet, exercise and other natural advice. I was handed a prescription for something to lower my cholesterol, and sent on my way. I went home and researched the issue and the drug, before getting it filled, and found that there was a lot of natural ways to lower your cholesterol. I started exercising at the gym four days a week, ate oatmeal for breakfast each day and took red yeast rice, Coq10, and Grape Seed pills. I also watched fat content in food and actually paid attention to my weight. Within four months, without the prescription, I have dropped to a healthy cholesterol level. Not to mention the fact that I found that the medication prescribed to me, could cause liver damage and I have a generic disposition to have liver problems. The doctor went threw all the information, and at the end I mentioned I never took the pills and did not appreciate his quick and pushy behavior to give that to me and not some advice. He side stepped it, and tried to act like he did, and in the end I changed doctors. I know the next one will be the same.
Have you noticed though, how as a society, we are so prone to just seeing pills and doctors as the cure all for every little things. They say the average American takes at least 2-3 prescriptions a day. Prescriptions are not cheap and most medical plans do not cover much. If they do, they want you to take generic brands, and most well known prescriptions do not have a generic alternative. Plus, many people do not realize how much the pharmaceutical industry pushes doctors to recommend their drugs with free trips, kick back bonuses and so on. You owe it to yourself, to look into natural medication, when possible. Not that they work as fast, but often diet changes, vitamins and exercise, can go along ways. Plus, a lot of medications have side affects, that can include serious addiction issues when stopped. Even health problems that can far outlast the issue you were trying to stop.
I will step off my pedestal now, but I had to vent about how society is so obsessed with doctors and pills? How we have such blind trust of these men and these products, without even researching. People spend more time researching the car they are going to buy, then they do with looking into how to become healthier.
Maybe I am alone on this one, but this is how I feel.