Why is society so obsessed with doctors and pills?

by free2beme 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    I went to the doctor last fall to have my cholesterol tested and it was high. Rather then telling me to diet, exercise and other natural advice. I was handed a prescription for something to lower my cholesterol, and sent on my way. I went home and researched the issue and the drug, before getting it filled, and found that there was a lot of natural ways to lower your cholesterol. I started exercising at the gym four days a week, ate oatmeal for breakfast each day and took red yeast rice, Coq10, and Grape Seed pills. I also watched fat content in food and actually paid attention to my weight. Within four months, without the prescription, I have dropped to a healthy cholesterol level. Not to mention the fact that I found that the medication prescribed to me, could cause liver damage and I have a generic disposition to have liver problems. The doctor went threw all the information, and at the end I mentioned I never took the pills and did not appreciate his quick and pushy behavior to give that to me and not some advice. He side stepped it, and tried to act like he did, and in the end I changed doctors. I know the next one will be the same.

    Have you noticed though, how as a society, we are so prone to just seeing pills and doctors as the cure all for every little things. They say the average American takes at least 2-3 prescriptions a day. Prescriptions are not cheap and most medical plans do not cover much. If they do, they want you to take generic brands, and most well known prescriptions do not have a generic alternative. Plus, many people do not realize how much the pharmaceutical industry pushes doctors to recommend their drugs with free trips, kick back bonuses and so on. You owe it to yourself, to look into natural medication, when possible. Not that they work as fast, but often diet changes, vitamins and exercise, can go along ways. Plus, a lot of medications have side affects, that can include serious addiction issues when stopped. Even health problems that can far outlast the issue you were trying to stop.

    I will step off my pedestal now, but I had to vent about how society is so obsessed with doctors and pills? How we have such blind trust of these men and these products, without even researching. People spend more time researching the car they are going to buy, then they do with looking into how to become healthier.

    Maybe I am alone on this one, but this is how I feel.

  • serendipity

    Hi free,

    Good for you for finding alternates.

    I have a coworker who is 100 lbs overweight and has high blood pressure. Her doctor prescribed medication, but didn't say a word about taking the weight off. I have to wonder if the doctor's don't trust people to make lifestyle changes. Of course, medicine is generally skeptical about alternatives.

  • TallTexan

    As a medical professional, I can tell you the reason most doctors resort to prescriptions first is that 90% of their patients will NOT make the needed lifestyle changes. As a country we could probably cut out a large percentage of the prescriptions needed if we would take care of ourselves. But most people will simply not do something that a pill can do for them. I see it every day. They don't take care of themselves then come in the hospital and want you to fix them and fix them NOW!

    So you get:

    The overweight and grossly obese require prescriptions for hypertension, diabetes, high cholesteral, acid reflux

    Smokers who require prescriptions for asthma, bronchitis, hypertension, chronic pulmonary disease, reflux

    These two categories of patients combine for a LOT of hospital admissions. They could lose weight and stop smoking, but they refuse. When you have three doctors telling a patient and their family that if they don't lose weight they will die, they assume that there is a pill that will fix their problems. I hear it day after day.

    However, I do think the physician should have emphasized lifestyle changes FIRST, and I know that many do. I guess they get frustrated at people's unwillingness to care as much about their health as their caregivers do.....

  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    I saw on another board where someone posted an article from USA Today. You remember the woman in France that got a face transplant a month or so ago? Turns out she has picked up smoking again, even though this makes rejection of the tissue and healing VERY VERY hard. Who will she blame when the face graft doesn't "take"? Most people want a miracle cure so they don't have to make any tough choices.

  • free2beme

    I honestly have come to the conclusion, that there really is a pill for everything.

  • wednesday

    I have had to battle high cholesterol and triglycerides (that was the worst problem). I just can not take the statins,(drugs like lipotor) they caused leg pains and I too worried about my liver. I saw a cardiologist and he put me on:

    Dr.. Carlsons Fish Oil-1 tablespoon daily, Coenzyme Q10 and a mult vitamin. For the first 3 months I only took the fish oil b/c the coq10 is sort of high. my cholesterol went down to about 160 and my triglycerides went down to 150. (they were nearly 300). So for me it has been a great sucess.

    I have started using a combo of pills that I found on the Hyster-sisters sight( a discussion board for women who have had a sudden menopause, however it came about).

    hot flash cocktail take in am and pm

    If you have had cancer, (or family history) there is some who say not to take soy, evening primrose oil or black cohosh or some of the other herbs for menopaue. I would suggest you buy a book on nutritional supplements and be aware that supplements and herbs have side effects too, and look up everything before you take it. Of course you would talk to your doctor, but honestly, most docs only recommend a few things and after, rthat , you are on you own . I put this up to show you what I take for hot flashes, and other menopause symptoms, This is not a prescription nor am I giving medical advice to anyone personally.

    Vit E -400 iu , Calcium 500-600mg, Magnesium 400mg, Vit C 500mg x 2 a day (am pm) flaxseed oil I take 1000mg.

    this is the basic hot flash cocktial found on their site. To it I added:

    CoQ10 100-200mg, Omega 3 Fish Oil, I use Dr Carlsons, but there is a prescription brand called Omacar, (you take 3 a day) or you can buy fish oil from walgreens, it is ok, you just have to take more to get same result, Evening Primrose oil, 1500mg, zinc 50mg, Vit D-400 iu, Soy, 25mg, Black cohosh 40mg, Balanced B-50 or 100. Selenium 100mg,

    It works very well for me. Seems like a lot, but most is the oils. the oils have gotten my hot flashes under control and my lipids are now excellent, and my hair looks better.

    type in hyster sisters and google should bring up the site. It is a great site for women of all ages. You can ask question and receive advice from women who have your same problems.. The site is moderated fairly heavy.


  • greendawn

    It is very likely that doctors receive commissions for putting people on cholesterol lowering drugs (statins) that's why they are trying to push them, but as already mentioned these drugs are quite toxic to the body. Not to mention that the cholesterol-heart disease link was never really proven. Statins are by far the most profitable products for the pharmaceutical companies.

    The JWs came a long way since the days of Rutherford when they believed that medical science was satanic because it had its origins in pagan Egypt.

  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    I have a few pharma sales reps that I call friends. Both medical practices and drug companies use the AMA and law structure to guide their relationship. For example:

    Gifts accepted by physicians should primarily entail a benefit to patients and should not be of substantial value (under $100).
    Individual gifts to physicians of minimal value are permissible as long as the gifts are related to the physician's work (e.g. pens and notepads).
    Pharmaceutical subsidies to underwrite the cost of attending meetings or professional conferences may be acceptable if paid to the conference sponsor who uses the funds to reduce registration fees.
    Physicians should not accept payment for the costs of travel, lodging, or other expenses for merely attending conferences. Hospitality and entertainment at meetings should not be accepted outside of modest meals or social events held as part of a conference meeting.
    Faculty at conferences and consultants may accept reasonable reimbursement for their expenses if they provide genuine services commensurate with the payment.
    Pharmaceutical companies may provide funds for student/trainees to attend selected educational conferences as long as the selection of those attendees is made by the educational institution.
    No gifts should be accepted if there are strings attached.
    The receipt of gifts cannot be related in any way to physician prescribing practices.
    Educational conference grants are acceptable only if the conference organizers have full responsibility and control over the faculty, content and materials.

    Are there "bad apples" breaking the law, I'm sure. Just be careful that you don't paint with a broad brush based on a few bad seeds.

  • TallTexan
    It is very likely that doctors receive commissions for putting people on cholesterol lowering drugs (statins) that's why they are trying to push them, but as already mentioned these drugs are quite toxic to the body. Not to mention that the cholesterol-heart disease link was never really proven. Statins are by far the most profitable products for the pharmaceutical companies.

    I was a drug rep for four years with AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals - they market the statin "Crestor". Statins are profitable, but not the most profitable. AZ had, for a time, the best selling drug in the world in Prilosec. And there are oncology drugs and some antibiotics that are enormously profitable.

    The pharma business is a dirty one, as the recent Vioxx scandal has proven. The FDA is a joke. However, I've never known of a physician to receive a 'commission' for a product. A lot of times it boils down to what rep they like, what 'the specialists' are prescribing, and which company brings them the best lunches and takes them to play golf. Statins work - that's a fact. But they can lead to, in a low percentage of patients, other problems, especially liver problems.

    It is generally accepted medical principle that the cholesterol-heart disease link is solid. There are a number of other risk factors for heart disease, but most physicians acknowledge that it is a solid theory. I'd be interested in seeing research that shows otherwise...

  • rebel8

    Any "natural" remedy has potential side effects too, and the ingredients are not controlled or regulated. I have seen dozens of ppl hospitalized because of natural remedies and I almost died because of taking Vitamin E. Natural does not = free of side effects. I'm glad it worked for you but I get all twitchy when ppl talk about natural remedies--I have little flashbacks of my nightmare experience with vitamins.

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