Does the JW brand of spirituality encourage competition among the witnesses?
Does it cause them to want to be more in line with what the FDS publishes in the literature?
Does faith in Jesus figure into any of the above?
by Honesty 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Does the JW brand of spirituality encourage competition among the witnesses?
Does it cause them to want to be more in line with what the FDS publishes in the literature?
Does faith in Jesus figure into any of the above?
You really see this in the brothers. If you are not a MS by the time you are 25 then somethings is wrong with you, or so you think. This creates a drive inside of a man that haunts his ego. You feel less of a man if you are not the shining one that is looked up to as the example. Especially is this true if a younger brother gets advancement and you know he is a brown nosing little fool. This gets the competitive juices flowing at even a higher degree. Then if you hit 30 and you are not an Elders then it hits hard again. By this time you can see the butt kissers get advancement. This same scenario is repeated in all most ever congregation world wide.
JW Spirituality
Isn't that an oxymoron ?
I thought that the lives of jws revolved around 'living according to the flesh' ?
They certainly have no love between themselves and their worship is centred around jehovah and not Jesus, so they are more like judaisers and have the mindset to match. They are too works oriented and are not even part of the New Covenent.
Does the JW brand of spirituality encourage competition among the witnesses?
Yes! You have to “reach out” which includes kissing up.
Does it cause them to want to be more in line with what the FDS publishes in the literature?
Again yes. This is however a mixed bag of right reasons and wrong reasons. Some of what is in the WT publications is based on Bible principles and when applied benefits a person’s life. Some of it though is designed to influence a person to use their time in a way that benefits only the WTS.
Does faith in Jesus figure into any of the above?
Maybe yes and maybe no, depending on the individual