My son was born.
Now for the first time, i get to have a birthday party for him, without feeling guilty about it.
Something very funny happend today too. I went to the bakery to get cupcakes for his class
party this morning, and the head baker there was an elder that i have known my whole life.
He does not usually work at this bakery, he was training another baker for a couple of weeks.
This elder was talking to me like old time's, probably completly forgetting that i am df'd still.
I mentioned that it was my son's birthday today, and that is why we were getting cupcakes, for
some reason it did not even phase him, either that or he has selective hearing.
I am sure that i will hear something from my parents later today.
Happy Birthday Joshua!!!!
4 years ago today...
by MonkeyPrincess 8 Replies latest social family
A totally innocent celebration was demonised by the JWs with their narrow minded backward attitude, it makes them feel more different and isolated from the rest of the world rather than serving any useful purpose.
It's great that you can celebrate a birthday without any anxieties. -
Happy b-day little man!
Mine turns five in two months. OMG, Kindergarten!!
my mom tried to tell me yesterday that she will acknowledge the day her grandson was born, and call to tell him that she is very happy
about the day he was born as it is very special to her, however.. she will not participate in the pagan celebration we will be having for him
tonight. I just had to laugh at her, it is too ridiculous to even waste my time with.
they grow so fast, i just cannot believe that he is 4. -
Happy Birthday to your son. Its so nice to acknowledge their Birthday and enjoyed the day without any guilt. Have a good one.
Mercedes x
Feliz Cuplianos Josue!!Very cute kid btw MP.
Happy Birthday there, big fella.
What a handsome boy. Next thing you know, he'll be taller than you and saying, "Oh Mom..." and rolling his eyes. I know...mine will do that from time to time.
Thank you, it is nice to acknowledge it without guilt. Plus, i get to live vicariously through him, and seeing it through a child's eye's is just amazing.
Thank you bro, i think he is cute too.. but i am partial, my vote dont count! LOL
I am so not ready for the eye rolling. I get enough as it is with the "geez mom". The kid is a little smarty pants, i am big trouble when he get's bigger. -
I am in a different time zone so i don't know if i am late here or not, but you and he both enjoy the special day.