We tend to throw around the term apostasy quite loosely here... I was thinking the other day, what EXACTLY (according to the WTBS) constitutes "Apostasy"
"Definition: Apostasy is abandoning or deserting the worship and service of God, actually a rebellion against Jehovah God. Some apostates profess to know and serve God but reject teachings or requirements set out in his Word. Others claim to believe in the Bible but reject Jehovah's organization" -Reasoning from the Scriptures (pg 34)
It goes on to list "identifiying marks of apostates"
- They seek to make others their followers, thus causing sectarian divisions
- They may profess to believe in Christ, but treat lightly the preaching and teaching work he assigned to his followers
- They may claim to serve God but reject his representatives, his visible organization
- Not only do they abandon the true faith but they then "beat" their former associates, using public criticism and other methods to hinder their work; the efforts of such apostates are devoted to tearing down not building up
To me, this sounds like apostasy can be easily defined as anyone who goes against the ORGANIZATION, not someone who commits an unforgivable sin or who speaks openly against God.
Anyone else find any "society" info on apostasy that sounds any different than the above? Am I supposed to believe that I will be punished by God for going against an earthly organization?!
(why did this not sound so foolish to me before?! )