LOOK WHAT I JUST FOUND (yes, I know I'm yelling and screaming at the top of the lungs in my mind):
I just tried to look at some of the info on the page I bookmarked at what looks like the jwinfo service, but I think I've been the victim of a hoax. Has anyone else been seeing this?
by Madame Quixote 8 Replies latest watchtower medical
Madame Quixote
That's why a consortium of attorneys are planning Mass Class Action Suits for victims of sexual abuse and wrongful death (due to adherence to the Jehovah's Witness blood policy).The purpose of this Mass Class Action Suits is threefold:To force policy change upon the Watchtower Society, To compensate the victims of past policy; and To protect future children from further abuse or injury.
To me the key word is planning - it is not fact yet
All religions are under some form or another of legal attacks at any given time. That is why a cults best friend is the lawyer.
I don't know. It said it was on an old part of the site, and there was nothing at the link given at the end for victims.
Madame Quixote
Actually, there is a link in teeeny, tiny script (almost illegible) for watchtower-victims.org, a website supposedly set up for victims of sexual abuse and for victims of JW blood policies, but I am very suspicious of it because of the way the page is set up. Does anyone else know anything about this?
I followed the link, and the one to watchtower victims ,but it takes you to a search sort of page. It appears there is no watchtowervictims.org
If I remember correctly that "watchtower-victims.org" site was set up by Lawrence Hughes several years ago. It doesn't appear that he's maintained it.
I just tried to look at some of the info on the page I bookmarked at what looks like the jwinfo service
I just want to clarify for anyone reading this that this announcement is not connected with my site, www.jwinfo.50megs.com. There are several other sites that use the terms "info" and "service" and the op is referring to someone else's site, not mine.
Madame Quixote
Here is the info I gathered on the site copyright and who created it (at bottom of page announcing suit):
©1999-2004 Watchtower Information Service :: Info on Jehovah's Witnesses & the WTS. All Rights Reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Created by Rado Vleugel
Sorry, Rebel 8 - the name just happens to be like yours. BTW, I really love your site and hope to link to it soon. Hope that is okay?
Is anyone familiar with Rado Vleugel? I came across it several times in the past few days as I surfed JW sites.
Hello Rado Vleugel, where are you? Thanks.
P.S. I simply googled up the info by typing in "class action lawsuits against Jehovah's Witnesses." Here is the http addy - ( I guess that's what it's called) - to the google page where I found the info: