Book by Tim Freke and Peter Gandy compairing the Jesus story to pagan god-men.
Have you read it? What did you think?
I thought the conjecture about the birth of Christianity from the Hellenization of the Jews was interesting.
by IP_SEC 3 Replies latest watchtower bible
I'll have to find where I read this....but a few people said that many events in Jesus' life were almost a perfect copy of ancient legends.
Passion of the Christ = Osirien legend...Osiris dies on a Friday (crucified) cried by isis and coming back to life 3 days after.
Some verses of Matt 5:3-12 are copied from manuscripts of Qumran 4Q525, 100 years before JC.
Jesus walking on water and asking one of his disciples to do it is exactly the same as a part of the legend of Buddha and Shaliputra.
One of Buddha's disciple also became a traitor. (Devadatta.)
The legend of Buddha says that he too, multipled breads starting from just a few to feed more then 500 monks, some was left and he threw them in the water.
Ressurection of Lazar (my favorite)----The egyptian legend of Osiris who had to travel to *Bethanu* (house of the god Anu) to find his dead father. There was two sisters *Meri* and *Merti* whose broher was caller *El-Azar-us*!!! More then that, Bethany didn't even exist in Jesus time.
Yes, I have read about this and it is very interesting, it amazes me how for 2000 years the church has been able to fool so many people into believing these myths are a fact although back then it was truly a matter of survival, you either believe and don't question or you die. The sad fact is that so many people were killed because of this lie back then and so many continue being killed today.
What a SCAM!!!!