Passing this on...
From: Shannon Craig
Subject: [Christian Ex JW's] Radio Interview
Just wanted to remind all of you who expressed interest that I will be interviewed on the radio show called Every Woman at 4:30 PM CST on Saturday, Jan 21. I will be speaking about the situation of losing my girls because he claimed I was mentally ill. although I was able to prove that my mental illness is not something that inhibits my ability to be a good mother I wound up losing my girls because the Judge felt it would be in the best interst of the girls to live with him and stay in the religion they have known since birth. That is Jehovah's Witness. So there will be several issues discussed. The injustice for so many Mom's losing custody, mental illness and religion. Pray for me. Following is the info if you wish to listen on the internet. Thanks Shannon Craig KKF! I 90.1FM is at! 4 - 5 PM For streaming audio go to and click streaming audio link. so you can tell your friends and family to listen where ever they are.