Well here we go again, I was in the hospital awhile back and wife found out that they give me two units of blood, and now
for wome reason she is feeling guilty about it. Why she is feeling guilty I don't know she tried to explain it saying she is
also guilty unless she goes to the elders about it. Talk about being mind controlled. I told her I didn't eat any blood that it was
put into my veins so that i would have the amount of blood i needed and the parts of it that my body soley needed as my blood
counts were woefully low. She doesn't reconcile that with her being guilty. So I told her to tell whomever you damn well want
to only I ain't going to be controlled by any of your stupid reasonings. The matter of not eating blood had to do with the killing of
animals not blood transfusions. I then asked her if the congregations got a letter from the Governing Body saying it was
okay to take blood transfusions would she then consider one if she needed one, and guess what she said yes it wouldn't be a sine
then, I said what do you mean that the Governing Body a group of men can establish what is and isn't a sin???/ come on woman
the are human. See you follow men not God i told her. Talk about being controlled, most of these people refuse to think.