Wife feeling guilty over blood issue

by buffalosrfree 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • buffalosrfree

    Well here we go again, I was in the hospital awhile back and wife found out that they give me two units of blood, and now

    for wome reason she is feeling guilty about it. Why she is feeling guilty I don't know she tried to explain it saying she is

    also guilty unless she goes to the elders about it. Talk about being mind controlled. I told her I didn't eat any blood that it was

    put into my veins so that i would have the amount of blood i needed and the parts of it that my body soley needed as my blood

    counts were woefully low. She doesn't reconcile that with her being guilty. So I told her to tell whomever you damn well want

    to only I ain't going to be controlled by any of your stupid reasonings. The matter of not eating blood had to do with the killing of

    animals not blood transfusions. I then asked her if the congregations got a letter from the Governing Body saying it was

    okay to take blood transfusions would she then consider one if she needed one, and guess what she said yes it wouldn't be a sine

    then, I said what do you mean that the Governing Body a group of men can establish what is and isn't a sin???/ come on woman

    the are human. See you follow men not God i told her. Talk about being controlled, most of these people refuse to think.

  • AlmostAtheist

    There's some great ways to refute the blood issue, it's actually one of the easier doctrines to refute. Unfortunately, it only works on someone that is willing to actually think about it. As you pointed out, "right" and "wrong" are just words to a person that leaves their thinking to someone else.

    You might show her in the Watchtower where the called blood an organ. (I don't have the CD, but if you search on blood and organ in the same sentence, you'll find it). Then explain that getting a blood transfusion is an organ transplant. "If a doctor told you not to eat liver, would he object to a liver transplant?"

    It might catch her attention, but don't go in with your hopes up. :-(

    Guilt's a terrible thing, and I'm sorry she's suffering with it. Sorrier still that she's making you suffer, too.


  • TheListener

    Perhaps you can explain to her that she needn't confess to the elders. The sin should be between you and Jesus. Or you, her and Jesus. You never know maybe she'll listen.

    Good luck and I'm glad you took the blood and saved your life.

  • greendawn

    Would she prefer to see you dead or crippled rather than accept a transfusion?

    As you said it's one thing to apply that law to a killed animal the spirit of which returned to God and another to someone that willingly gave some blood and continues to be alive and well.

  • Elsewhere

    Tell her that if she tells anyone you will sue her for violating medical privacy laws.

  • skyman

    As I have mentioned many times in the past this was the biggest reason I left the BORG the blood issue. In case you do not already know I have information that I researched on blood that only uses the Bible and the Society's information. I have now had seven Elders read my information and all said I was correct. I have had Three C.O. read the information and all three said my information was correct. One Elder put his heads between his legs and cried and ask what he should do. This Elder was so shocked he has all but quit, he is no longer an Elder and hardly goes any more. His wife called and asked me never to talk to her husband again. One Elder who is one of my best friends has totally quit going to the meetings and is totally out. This information without a doubt destroys the Society's claim that the blood rule is from the bible. I will send you a PM with the information, copy, paste and print it and maybe your wife will read it since it only uses the Bible and one Watchtower book, Insight on the Scriptures to prove blodd is a made up rule.

    Anyone else that wants a copy just PM me and I'll send you a copy.

  • buffalosrfree

    well wife returned from field service, she was doing rv's with two sisters and they had two of the elders riding with them, She didn't

    tell me she told them, so I guess she didn't. I think she tries to use I am going to tell mommy (the elders) if you don't come to

    your senses (crawl back to the borg and be mindless) but it doesn't work on me, I told her go ahead and tell them I am past the

    point of giving a damn but remember when they disfellowship me none of your friends will come to the house to see you any more

    because i live here. So this is going to affect you too and in ways you haven't even guessed yet, you will in effect be treated like

    you were disfellowshipped also, because people will think you are now tainted with the same brush. Sio go right ahead I won't have

    to put up with any of them being in my house again.

  • IronClaw

    Buffalo, Hi

    Dont know if you are aware of the fact that the WTS compromised with the Bolgarian Govt. and allows JW to have a blood transfusion with no repercussions. Perhaps someone that has this info. can post it

  • Pistoff

    When the blinders came off for me, I talked to my wife about blood; we still had an underage son at the time. I knew that she could not explain the policy any more than I could, and asked her: What if the Society changed the policy next month? Would that change her mind? She replied that that was NOT a fair question.

    I said it is the MOST important question. It answers the question about who decides the policy, the GB as we all know, or "individual christians" as they say in the literature.

    The blood policy is so incomprehensible and indefensible they have the HLC's to explain it to the doctors and tell the rank and file what they can actually take and what they can't.

    It is truly a criminal policy; along with the criminal child sex abuse policy, it makes them into the most craven bunch I have ever known.

    I really hate these guys.


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