A very intersting discussion on the world news, tonite. Scotts the manufacturer of lawn and garden products has given thier workers opportunities to stay healthy while in thier employ. In an effort to cut down on the cost of health care they pay to cover thier employees, they enlisted sweeping policy changes and guidelines towards the betterment of thier workers.
They offer a healthier food plan in thier dinning facilities where they have lunch prepared on site. There's a gym for working out should they choose, right on the company grounds. It's free to those who access it at least twice a week, for those who choose not to, all they require is a ten dollar usage fee per month. A very, very sweet deal to just about anyone.
They figure that if thier workers are given incentives to get fit, stay healthy, they'll have a lot of folks around who are happier, more energetic and willing to work more productively if the company take a vested interest in them. There's a catch, though, for some. If you're a smoker, they don't regard your service to the company as having the same value as those who are not smokers. They will assist you if it is you need it to quit. Smoking cessation programs, education and incentives to stop. The final incentive? You either stop smoking within a specified period of time, or you forfeit you job. They give you nine months to get it together, but after that............
Sounds like a wonderful idea to bring about change to the health and welfare of the workers of big business. Corporations looking out for, not only the bottom line, but the long range benefit of the rank and file. Afterall, a healthy employee is a happy employee. Right?
Or does this smack in the face of civil rights? Are you going to kick me to the curb because of what it is I do in my private home? I don't smoke on your job, that's your right to tell me what you don't want done on your property while I am employed here, but how can you say to me, a smoker, we don't want you to light up at home either? Your smoking is costing us millions in extra money being paid out because you're out sick more often, you're a liability as regards your life style and we need to cut our loses. You are not what this company needs to continue moving forward.
A sign of things to come?