CommonTruth JW Message Board
by sf 9 Replies latest jw friends
talley many message little time
Checked it out, thanks for the link.
hehe wonder if they will kick me off? "Spreading apostate ideas" isnt in the no-no list Ooops nevermind, Its not really a dubby board is it? -
I thought they weren't supposed to have boards like this?! Where's the gb?
Calling themselves "truth seekers", and yet confining their search only to the Bible, would be like limiting Captain James Cook's exploration to his bath tub.
I think its a reform group. -
Yeah, kind of like this one...
They both seem ripe for the picking...
I'm registered member with my page listed in public profile,we will see how long i last.Cut n paste from administrators personal site:"...Prayerfully explain to God that you will try all the non-blood treatments first, and ask that if those treatments aren't sufficient then you are asking that perhaps he either give you more of your own blood (it can work, it's happened!) or, to allow you a blood transfusion. Then make a complete and honest effort to try all the non-blood treatments first. If God wants you to have blood, He'll get it to you, and if not, He'll be sure that the blood substitutes will suffice. Have full faith and trust in Him, and He will see you through the crisis.
forum post:
The passage certainly sounds like Jesus means the very ones he's talking to when he says "this generation will by no means pass away."
I can't help but think that the new spin the WTS has put on it makes "by no means pass away" sound pretty lame, as though Jesus is saying there's always going to be wicked people around.
Anyway, I for one would be delighted to learn the GT is behind us. [thumbs up]
Would your view be called the full preterist view?
Keep sharing with us!!!