The Oct. 1, 2001 Watchtower magazine, pg. 22 par. 4 says,
"Loyalty to God also includes loyalty to his organization..."
Therefore JWs are sworn and duty bound to give their "loyalty" to the organization, just as they would give such to God Almighty.
However, exactly what does our english word "loyalty" really mean?
To demonstrate its true meaning, I propose a simple test, a multiple choice test. Below you will find three simple statements. See if you can identify which ones are inappropriate for christians to make or claim. Which ones would Jesus Christ find offensive and could not agree to?
THREE QUESTIONS -- Multiple Choice
1. I hereby pledge my unswerving allegiance to the JW Organization.
2. I hereby pledge my unswerving loyalty to the JW Organization.
3. I hereby pledge my unswerving devotion to the JW Organization.
Which statements above would be scripturally objectionable and unacceptable to Jesus Christ? Statement number one, statement number two, statement number three, or all the statements above.