I pledge my ... to the JW Organization?

by bjc2012 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • bjc2012

    The Oct. 1, 2001 Watchtower magazine, pg. 22 par. 4 says,

    "Loyalty to God also includes loyalty to his organization..."

    Therefore JWs are sworn and duty bound to give their "loyalty" to the organization, just as they would give such to God Almighty.

    However, exactly what does our english word "loyalty" really mean?

    To demonstrate its true meaning, I propose a simple test, a multiple choice test. Below you will find three simple statements. See if you can identify which ones are inappropriate for christians to make or claim. Which ones would Jesus Christ find offensive and could not agree to?

    THREE QUESTIONS -- Multiple Choice

    1. I hereby pledge my unswerving allegiance to the JW Organization.

    2. I hereby pledge my unswerving loyalty to the JW Organization.

    3. I hereby pledge my unswerving devotion to the JW Organization.

    Which statements above would be scripturally objectionable and unacceptable to Jesus Christ? Statement number one, statement number two, statement number three, or all the statements above.


  • crossroads

    This is a repost from early April thought it fit.

    Beware of the man
    with the watchtower in his hand
    to all those who hear the knock
    tell him to go else where to find his flock
    To all those who let him in he offers happiness and gladness
    only to leave them with much emptiness and sadness
    To all those who rejoice in knowing the hour
    to them the message turns quite sour
    Beware of the man
    with the watchtower in his hand
    he pledges his allegiance to it
    to the bible and tract society which publishes it
    to the governing body who suposedly writes it
    the one and only true organization under a god
    with much deception, bondage and injustice for all
    For all of us who have abided in the tower
    we have come to see it wield incredible power
    So when he reaches out to give you his helping hand
    tell him this is when you must take your stand
    Beware of the man
    with the watchtower in his hand

  • kes152

    Hello bjc..

    word from our Father God, through his Word Jesus the Anointed is:

    "Bjc, if you are thristy you still can come to me and drink.

    Look! I hold out an open Door to you. I am he who opens so that NO ONE shuts and I shut so that NO ONE opens. Drink from me, and you will be filled.

    For if you keep drinking from that source, you will continue to get thristy again. Drink from me, and you will never get thirsty at all."

    Peace to you,

  • Englishman

    Mornin' bjc,

    No problem at all!

    Simply open your Bible, find all the scriptures that refer to Jehovahs Earthly Organisation and follow the subsequent instructions as to the loyalty, allegiance and devotion that this organisation is entitled too.

    Glad to be of help.


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • neyank

    Hi bjc,
    As Englishman has said all we have to do is open the Bible and follow
    the scrirtures that tell us to follow the WTS because they are our
    way to God.
    So I know that scripture must be there.
    After all, the WTS wouldn't say to give loyalty to it as we would to God
    unless they had the scriptures to back it up,would they?????

    Here, let me find the scriptures for you.
    Wait a minute,I'm still looking.
    They must be here somewhere.
    I know. Let's ask Fred Hall and You Know.

    Hey guys, could you tell us where those scripture are????????


  • logical

    Hi bjc

    Allegience: Loyalty or the obligation of loyalty, as to a nation, sovereign, or cause.

    Loyalty: A feeling or attitude of devoted attachment and affection. Often used in the plural: My loyalties lie with my family.

    Devotion: Ardent, often selfless affection and dedication, as to a person or principle

    One would pledge allegience to Jah and Christ.
    One would be devoted to Jah and Christ.
    One would be loyal to Jah and Christ.

    John Chapters 14-15

    Considering the following scriptures, we can see exactly how misled the JW's are:

    Revelation 13:14: "And it misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that were granted to it to perform in the sight of the wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast that had the sword stroke and yet revived"

    This is the image to the old system... the old law... the law of sin and death, of condemnation. Doing away with Christ's new covenant of forgiveness and life. The system that was nailed to the pole with Christ... the system that was finally done away with c.70CE. Yet... the WTS made an image to it and revived it...

    JOHN 14:6; JOHN 5:39-40 is what the WTS ignore and most JW's dont understand.

    There is no need for an earthly organisation. The JW's are putting a "god" before Jah's face... this "god" is what they call "jehovah" or the WTS.

    Listen to Aaron. (im trying to).

  • blondie

    It all depends on what the "organization" is doing.

    What would have happened if we had followed anointed High Priest Aaron as he built the golden calf or rebelled against Moses?

    What would have happened if we had followed anointed High Priest Eli in his sanctioning his son's actions?

    What would have happened if we had followed anointed King Saul in his quest to kill David?

    What would have happened if we had followed the anointed ones, the kings and priests, that Isaiah, Jeremiah and other prophets preached against?

    What would have happened if we had followed Peter, part of the anointed GB, in denying Christ or in avoiding the Gentile Christians?

    What would have happened if we had followed anointed "glorious ones" who spoke badly of Paul?

    This is where the danger lies....God could never have expected his followers to give blanket endorsement to the above people's actions. Prayer to God is not through an organization but through Jesus, the real and only head of the congregation. If others come, even if from heaven, and preach other than Jesus words....they are not from God just as the ones above were not when they left God's way of thinking.

    Just my feelings and not trying to push this on anyone...following Christ is the key, not men (or women).

  • Faraon

    I pledge allegiance to the Watchtower of the United States of America
    One publishing company over god. Without liberty or Justice for all.


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