What will happen when the gang mebers, murderers and others prisoners become JW, and then sooner or later will learn that this is man made religion, False Prophets Lies and make ups? Will they take revange on the WT Leaders, or will they slaughter all cult members in anger?
by Think 7 Replies latest jw experiences
Jesus wouldn't. But I guess they have the final say. It would be a shame to kill them, think of all the good people who love them, who would be getting hurt too. I don't want my mom killed because she listened and followed them.
Guess that is what it boils down to....As bad as I hate what they are doing...would I sacrifice my mom to stop them? HELL NO! I would find another way to stop them!!
That is why we were given brains.
Will they take revange on the WT Leaders, or will they slaughter all cult members in anger?
No my dear brother in the lord....they will not! These ones have turned their swords into plowshares and their weapons into pruning shears. You can't kill people with a plowshare anyways. You could like maybe "poke" someone with prunning shears.... but I doubt it would poke through their skin and stuff.Seriously, I think those who were reformed by the dubs for the most part would not return to their former life......as long as they were happy dubs at one time. I suppose they are ones who go back to their old ways since many do just that .....regardless of HOW they are reformed.
Hi Think, welcome to the forum!
JWs are not that successful at recruiting in prisons.
Many if not most of their prison recruits already had ties to the JWs prior to going to prison.
The JW's "works" salvation message is not well suited for the prison audience.
The prison audience is more attracted to the Calvinistic "once saved - always saved" faith salvation. -
I don't know about that. Prisons are havens for unconventional religions; rebellious people choose rebellious belief systems. True, as a JW you're expected to conform to the expectations and standards of the WTS, but there must be something comforting to someone on the fringe of society to join a religion which holds that essentially all traditional authority figures (clergy, politicians, police, scientists, etc.) are pawns of the devil and destined for a violent end.
Welcome Think, that is one hell of a first post. I am looking forward to hearing your story.
Thank You, jwfacts... my story is same as almost everybody else.
Evil Barons scam con artists resided at Evil EmpireTower cheated me out of everything !!!
They are the sons of the one , who pretend to be the " Angel of Light" , satan the devil himself. They quote the bible so often, and they think that this will make them holy. They always keep on learning, but NEVER come to know the God and the Truth.