Excellent Ex-Witness Blog

by sixsixsixtynine 9 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • sixsixsixtynine

    My girlfriend found this blog and forwarded it to me. Turns out I knew this family when I was growing up, and we are even loosely related(their aunt is married to my uncle). Small world!

    Anyway, it's a fascinating read, although quite sad/disturbing at times.

    [Needs to be read from the bottom up]


  • skyman

    This sickens a person. When my daughter was sexual abused the elders had a meeting with me, my wife and my mom. [Mom caught the person in the actual act of raping my little girl]. They told us that the Society said my girl which at the time as almost five years old could not be a witness because of her age, mom was just one witness so they could not do anything about it. THIS is what really blows my mind is the fact the Elders then threatened us saying they would take Judicial action against anyone of us if we told others about it. The grounds would be slander. The person that raped my girl was one of the congregations regular baby sitter. I asked if they had talked to others had any suspicions. The Elders said no and I had better not take it on to myself to talk to the other or I could be DF'd.

    My wife could not stand it she told a family guess what they took action against her she did not get DF'd but how ironic can you be my wife in trouble and the rapist free to move about the congregation. By the way the person did it again and who knows how many other times.

  • sixsixsixtynine
    [Mom caught the person in the actual act of raping my little girl]. They told us that the Society said my girl which at the time as almost five years old could not be a witness because of her age, mom was just one witness so they could not do anything about it.

    WTF?! Unbelievable!

  • delilah
    Skyman, I am truly sickened by what I've read....how DARE the elders treat you like that....your 5 year old daughter cannot be a witness because of her age??? she shouldn't have been RAPED BECAUSE OF HER AGE for God's sake ....this religion , these men in charge,really need to be held accountable for all of the injustices it has allowed to take place. I can't even write anything else, I'm so angry....I hope your daughter is doing well now, Skyman. I was also abused, at a young age, I was able to block it for many years, until it came crashing down on me....so whenever I hear, or read of other children being abused, I become incensed.....
  • delilah
    I just wanted to add that, no child, or woman should ever be raped, but my comment was in referrence to Skyman's post. I just wanted to clarify that.
  • skyman

    I just got back home and I want all of you to know that my girl is doing well she is twelve now and does not seem to be hurt by what happen. When I first came on the board I posted a thread about what happened and was told I should of went straight to the police.


  • delilah
    I feel for the next victim and their family. I'm glad your daughter doesn't remember, Skyman, I just hope she never remembers, like I did. At least she will have you and her family to guide her, and to help her through,and NOT, the "christian congregation of JW's". Best wishes to your little one Skyman....
  • sixsixsixtynine

    recent posts, check it out. very well written.

  • KW13

    That is very sad. The WBTS just went from a business/cult to scum in my books.

    i hope the witnesses left see sense

  • Brigid

    Oh god, I am sickened by this!! My heart goes out to Tammy--wherever you are, my soul reaches out to your soul in pure sisterly love.



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