This is part 2 of 2. You will never see the world the same way again:
Daily illuminati conspiracy fix - 1/25/06
by truth_about_the_truth 4 Replies latest social current
Great propaganda piece
And there I was thinking Hiltler hated masons, hence the "forget-me-nots", and women couldn't join.
It's no secret that quite a number of male Royals were masons - so much for a secret illuminati...
I don't think most people will get the significance of the video, It made me think. Also gave me the hebegebies when the girl was in with the priest that ws truely different.
Thanks for posting this.
Thanks for the posting this...keep them coming!
I don't think most people will get the significance of the video
Unfortunately, you are right....
This is more significant than most can even imagine.