What was the first sign that Russell said occurred in 1780?

by jwfacts 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jwfacts

    Studies in the Scriptures (1897) Vol.4 p.604 states;

    “Reckoning a hundred years from 1780, the date of the first sign, the limit would reach to 1880; and, to our understanding, every item predicted had begun to be fulfilled at that date"

    Does anyone know what that sign in 1780 was?

    Thanks - Paul

  • cabasilas

    I believe it was the "dark day." Adventists still refer to it as is mentioned on this page:


  • Woodsman

    Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the Watchtower, believed that the "sign in the sun, moon and stars" of Matthew 24:29 had their fulfillment in two mysterious events that occurred in 1780 and 1833.

  • Woodsman

    Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the Watchtower, believed that the "sign in the sun, moon and stars" of Matthew 24:29 had their fulfillment in two mysterious events that occurred in 1780 and 1833.


    "Are these signs to be regarded as literal or as symbolic? and have they yet been fulfilled? We answer that they have had a literal fulfilment, and are now having a symbolic fulfilment much more momentous. On May 19, 1780 (still 'in those days,' the 1260 years of Papal power, but after that power had begun to wane and the brunt of the tribulation had passed) a phenomenal darkening of the sun occurred, for which scientists of that time and since have never been able to account.. This unaccountable day, except as a sign from the Lord, is reckoned to have extended over 320,000 square miles - an area about twenty-five times the size of Palestine, to which the signs of the first advent were limited. Indeed, the fact that these signs were chiefly confined to the New England and Middle States need not surprise us, when we remember that the first movement amongst the 'Virgins'* (Matt. 25:1-5) was chiefly in the same locality. And that God should use the 'land of liberty' for sending the message of these signs to the world, is no more wonderful than that he has been pleased to send from the same quarter many of the modern blessings and inventions and lessons, recognized by the whole world, and aptly emblemized by the gift of the great French artist, Bartholdi, to New York harbor - the statue of 'Liberty Enlightening the World.'" {BATT 585-8}


    C.T.Russell: Studies in the Scriptures IV - Battle of Armageddon (till 1910, The Day of Vengeance), 1897, 1904-20, 1923-5, 1927
  • Woodsman

    I think the first movement amongst the virgins was the Millerites. So its Millerites-Adventists-Bible Students-WTS. Its all there. Apostates don't lie.

  • garybuss


    Type 1780 in the search engine. Your answer starts on page 520

  • Earnest

    This most likely refers to the Dark Day of 1780 which was understood by many, including William Miller and Ellen G. White, as a fulfillment of prophecies that the sun would become darkened.

    The 19th day of May, 1780, was unprecedented in New England for its great darkness. The sun was visible a little while in the morning, but was soon obscured by clouds. For some days previous the air had been filed with smoke, arising, it was supposed, from extensive fires, somewhere raging in the woods. Prevailing westerly winds had spread the smoke over a very great extent of country. On the morning of the 19th, the wind, though variable, was principally from the eastward, and brought with it a dense fog from the ocean. This meeting and mingling with the clouds and smoke formed a mass almost impervious to light. The darkness became noticeable a little before eleven o'clock, and rapidly increased. Domestic fowls went to roost, and cattle collected around the barn yards, as at the approach of night. About noon it became necessary to light candles, and these were needed through the remainder of the day, thought he darkness was greatest from twelve to one o'clock. The darkness of the evening was scarcely less remarkable than that of the day. Dr. Belknap says: "It presented a complete specimen of as total darkness as can be conceived. About midnight a light breeze sprang up from the north or northeast, which dispersed the clouds and vapors, and it soon began to grow light.

    The darkness extended over several thousand square miles, though differing much in intensity in different places. Nowhere, perhaps, was it greater than in [New Hampshire]. The day was appropriately called, and is still known, as THE DARK DAY.


  • jwfacts

    Thanks all, that was what i was after.

    This is great. Russell felt the time of the end had started because of a localised forest in the NE of the USA. Typical for a religion to think their country is the start of all prophecy. Makes the Adventists, Mormons and JWs all the same, US centric.

  • M.J.

    Makes sense since Russel took everything chronological and eschatalogical from Barbour, and Barbour was a former Millerite.

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