Have These People No Sense Of Humour At All?

by Englishman 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    I'd never fully realised it before, but JW's can't stand being laughed at. They take themselves and their tinpot religion so seriously!

    Oh, I know that they expect to be mocked and persecuted, they love all that because they think that prophesy is being fulfilled, but they do go bananas at the "What? You cannot be serious, ha ha!" type of reaction.

    Take yesterday for example. I strolled into the pub, and, rather to my surprise, who should be there but Dub-in-the pub. He'd told me he was giving up alcohol, so I was surprised to see him at the bar nursing a pint of Guinness.

    In asked him how come he was drinking Guinness when he was supposed to be "on the wagon" and he replied that it was for medicinal reasons only, so technically it was not an alcohlic beverage at that point in time. I suggested to him that it must be that new "1914" Guinness, and when he looked at me blankly, I explained that the alcohol part was invisible just as all the events in 1914 were invisible.

    Wow, was he ever annoyed, he abandoned his pint and stormed out of the pub with a face like thunder.

    What's the matter with these people, are they so thin-skinned they can't take having their leg pulled a bit?


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • ozziepost

    Come on Eman, you know that Guinness is good for you!

    BTW glad to hear you met Dub in the pub again.

    Perhaps he was just a little stressed from coping with the latest changes. Don't ask me, ask him!


    "Evil is the absence of empathy"
    Movie (2000), Nuremberg

  • waiting

    Howdy English,

    What's the matter with these people, are they so thin-skinned they can't take having their leg pulled a bit? -Englishman.

    In or out of the org. - not much kidding about *those* kinds of things. But an outsider? A non-repentent sinner? Not a chance.

    That's the way it is in our area. We never kid anyone about the slipups. They can kid - but I've found they have NO sense of humor about such things.

    Thin-skinned indeed.


  • ChuckD

    Beer is much like blood in this regard. He has to consume the unavoidable beer "fractions" such as alcohol, to get to the "darker elements" of Guinness which are valued for their medicinal effect. Sadly, these are chemically linked with the alcohol, so it presents a problem to the bible-trained conscience such as his. Members of the society's Pub Liaison Committee are available to help with any questions you may have.

  • think41self


    You're cracking me up again! What did you expect from him calling his beer 1914 Guinness? No, they have NO sense of humor when it comes to their beliefs...especially the wrong ones.


    ROTFLOL...that was a witty response my man.


    "It is much more sensible to be an optimist instead of a pessimist, for if one is doomed to disappointment, why experience it in advance?"
    Amelia Peabody Emerson

  • philo

    Great crack Englishman! Just a shame dub-in couldn't have enjoyed it with good ole English self-deprecation.


  • Kent
    I'd never fully realised it before, but JW's can't stand being laughed at. They take themselves and their tinpot religion so seriously!
    Oh, I know that they expect to be mocked and persecuted, they love all that because they think that prophesy is being fulfilled, but they do go bananas at the "What? You cannot be serious, ha ha!" type of reaction.

    Congratulations! Nice to see you were able to catch up with us crazy Norwegians! LOL

    PS: Hillary, read and learn!

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between a fool and the JW legal department is that a fool might be sympathetic ."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • hillary_step

    Kent - Oh No!,

    We have not spread to this thread too! You note:

    PS: Hillary, read and learn!

    I came, I saw, I read but all I learned is that the average JW is so programmed to defend his Organisation that he reacts rather than thinks and therefore accountability for this situation might rest elsewhere. This cameo does not change that reality.

    Anyway Englishmen, the UK Guiness is the just the shadow of the Irish reality. Slip over to Dublin and have a real drink, even JW's have a sense of humor there!

    Norwegian beer! Now that stuff does resemble the 'Collected Thought Of Rod Stewart'. Raunchy, stiff, and singleminded, with a headache guaranteed.


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