At Matthew !6: 28 Jesus is portrayed as prophesying: "Verily I say unto you, there be some standing here which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom." Did some of Jesus' listeners live to see him coming in his kingdom? Is Jesus a false prophet?
Is Jesus a false prophet?
by scout575 2 Replies latest jw friends
technically no, because i am not so sure he even existed.
however, in the sense that many consider him god, i would call him an almighty screwup sociopath for sure. but that's just me. and i am an imperfect and sinful human not worthy of salvation....
the sermon on the mount was cool, but by no means were they unique ideas. and that, in my heathen's opinion, was the best he had to offer.
Tetrapod beat me to it. Jesus is guilty of being a false prophet, like Santa Claus is guilty of breaking and entering.