Can anyone give some insight - I've been doing a bible study at my home with two friends and we were looking at the resurrection and judgement. I was told that people who have already died will not be raised for judgement as they have already been judged and thats the end of it... but we then read the gospels and found Jesus saying that at the judgement it would be more bearable for the people of Sodom than those from the towns which rejected Jesus's ministry. One of my friends is an elder at my local Kingdom Hall and he's confused as well. Can anyone give me some insight so that I can bring this up at our next study. Thanks
Judgement or what
by encourager 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Well, I like the part where Jesus tells us, that those of us leave our families and children, would recieve many more in the NSof things? Does that mean what I think it does?
I don't see Jesus judging anyone. I think He loves us enough to provide the nesessary knowledge to convince everyone on earth to repent and be saved.
Is there someone who would like to disagree with this opinion?
A Paduan
.this is the judgement: that the light came into the world, and men loved the darkness more than the light because their deeds were evil - the dark becomes comfortable not judging/revealing truth - such are already judged
It's an in-place happening thing. It is plain to see that the wt, and others reject the light of scrutiny under a voluntary notion of "evil infiltration", remaining, by choice, through fear and feared loss, in the dark.
Who knows that a thief has been while it is still dark?
First it must be said that there are number of different opinions about death and judgment in the writings that were selected to be in the Bible. But if you read Revelation 20:11-15 the author there clearly portays a post-mortem judgment. The JWs insert a few sentences between the lines when trying to discuss it with potential converts to alter the meaning. Similarly John 5:28,29 has judgment based upon deeds done in this life meted out after death and resurrection. Again JWs insert a few words in the text when trying to explain it away and try to make it fit the imposssible harmonization they've created.
Star Moore
Hello and Welcome..
Some who are dead are in the "Everlasting fire" (Destruction) because God has deemed them as committed their sins unforgivable...Gehhena
Some unrighteous will get a ressurection and be in a judgement period to prove themselves as they didn't lead a `righteous life. Sheol or Hades
Some are righteous and ressurected and automatically are in the book of life. Sheol or Hades.
That's what the bible seems to say to me....anyways...
Also a note to ChristopherDavid...No, not everyone will embrace our Lord...
Star, I am trying to say this with some tact...I truly hope you are never able to prove that statement "true" to me. It would break my heart.
I think what one did in the first life can have an effect on the second life, any factors of ignorance and coersion in the first life will no doubt be taken into account, otherwise the past record will have an effect on the second opportunity for eternal life. The Jews of Christ's lifetime will be resurrected but they will be overwhelmed by feelings of shame.
The first thing you should realize is that everything you are being told by jw's is total hooey! Start over. Get rid of all your jw literature, book studies, everything. Start over by reading a reliable Bible (not the NWT) and read the New Testatment all the way through. It will make more sense to you to get the overall picture. Then if you have questions on certain areas, reread the entire New Test. and ask all different people for their opinions on your questions, reread again and see what you find then. If you are truly seeking you will find, but never ever will you find any truth using the NWT or any jw literature. just my opinion, carla
The book of Enoch describes an interesting judgement and the keeping of peoples spirits until that day.