When Jehovah's goldly sons came down and cohabited with the daughters of men and things got out of hand, who was supposed to be in charge? It wasn't the daughters of men who saw that the "gods" were fair, making the first move, but the "gods" who saw and took all they wanted. Today that conduct would basically be called RAPE. Not until things got out of hand with their offspring and wickedness sprung up all over the place did Jehovah decide that something was wrong with this cohabitation and he had to rememdy the situation. What was the rememdy? KILL THEM ALL, ANIMALS TOO!! Think about it, if Jehovah had kept his perfect boys in line and not turned a blind eye to rape, he wouldn't have had to cause the flood. I think Jehovah is just a big, mean kid with an ant farm and a magnifying glass. The flood was a big movie epoch for his entertainment. I really don't believe in Biblical fiction and only a fictional God could do these things. What do you think?
Jehovah Condones Rape!!!
by THE SHOOTIST 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It's certainly an interesting commentary on the view of woman during the time those books were written don't you think? Especially the parts about out giving away young women to smooth over the sins of the fathers. ( wish I had a reference for you but I'm really no good with the scriptures )
The Leological One
When Jehovah's goldly sons came down and cohabited with the daughters of men and things got out of hand, who was supposed to be in charge? It wasn't the daughters of men who saw that the "gods" were fair, making the first move, but the "gods" who saw and took all they wanted.
I haven't read that in a while, but I don't recall reading anywhere where God approved of it but rather that the situation helped to ultimately lead to the Genesis flood. There may be another verse that would come closer to what you're implying, but I don't think this one does at all. Peace.
Not the only time the god of the bible condoned rape.
The Leological One
Not the only time the god of the bible condoned rape.
Umm... not trying to be a butt, but where in that passage did God actually condone the rape~?
Maybe condone is too strong a word.
But it sure puts a new angle to the argument that humans are the cause of their own woes, and God is all holy and innocent. Basically it is argued that man is sinful and needs to be taught the hard way that they need God's guidance. That is why the Big One stands aside and watch.
But in the case of the angelic sons coming down to earth, those angels are perfect. Their decisions were not half-baked ones. They were knowingly deliberate. They chose to do something wrong, the way flawless Adam and Eve chose to eat the forbidden fruit and were quickly punished for it. And unlike Satan, these angels weren't merely tempting or influencing humans, they physically invaded the human family.
So WHY didn't God intervene BEFORE their actions brought disastrous results to the world? Was it not unwise of God to permit so much to happen to man, events that they could never have prevented themselves had they wanted to.
The story, standing by itself without layers of exegesis, was typical mythology wherein gods (sons of El) came to earth and had hybrids/giants with human women. It does not speak of this as a bad thing. There was no condemnation implied or expressed. It was only later writers that interpreted this as a fallen angel story. The Noah story was inserted into the narrative by later editors. I suspect verse 6:3 was dislocated from between vs 5 and 6 or near abouts. The stories were separate in that no mention is made of the "sons of El" having done wrong only men. This in fact led many commentators to say the sons of El were men. This of course misses the point of the brief legend that explained the origin of giants of lore.
Seems like somebody can accept only the God who is Judghe and Policeman. BTW Satan thought so too... just didn't realized what is Love :) You will not even unerstand when I would try to explain. So I wont! You have to get to know what is love, nobody can tell it or describe it!
Someone took issue that jehoobah didn't condone rape. OK, but he didn't stop it. In my book, if you don't stop something bad from happening (or at least try to stop it) that is a passive, tacit approval of the action, at best, and a causal factor at worst.
If I see someone about to be hit by a train but do nothing within in my power to prevent it, I am not the direct cause of the person's demise but I sure as hell am responsible! Not that big a difference as far as I can see.
And just how did normal-sized human women give birth to those big-assed giants, anyway? Sounds awfully painful and pretty unlikely, biologically speaking...
Yes, rape was never bad enough in Jah's eyes to be a priority in discouraging. "What? You raped a virgin? HAh! Now you must marry her! Take that!"