Internet Use?

by ballistic 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    What is the society's view on Internet use? I get the impression it is discouraged.
    I also ask because the society over the years have had a love hate relationship with technology, extolling it's virtues one minute (such as in their early use of colour film and portable record players), and then blaming it for many of todays ills.

    Interestingly, I just found a section in the Proclaimers book, stating that the staffing levels at Watchtower construction sites around the globe had been REDUCED by using modern technology, while other articles suggest that technology is an evil in that it will put people out of jobs.

    p.s. I only have literature up to 1995, but the number of references to technology in Awake! was 666.

    I was too far out... and not waving but drowning - Stevie Smith

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Absolutely the WTB&TS is opposed to the internet.

    I'm surprised they never came out against the telephone.

  • ballistic

    If they're really interested in saving paople, surely they would want to use every means possible and as soon as possible?

    I was too far out... and not waving but drowning - Stevie Smith

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum


    If the internet can corrupt hard drives with viruses, then certainly Satan can corrupt them with demons. Fredhall BEWARE!

  • JT


    Back in November ALL JW received an internal Memo called the "Kingdom Ministry" yes Doris has a copy smile

    It dealt with the "PROPER VIEW OF THE INTERNET"

    In all my years as a JW I have never seen an Internal Memo this long- one that had 36 paragraphs- most are 10-15 paragraphs only

    This one is the longest on record

    When you have a religion that tells it's ADULT members what to do with their Time and Internet is truly a high control group

    The WT is involved in ever aspect of the life of a JW



    1. Jehovah's people enjoy wholesome association with one another.
    They enjoy sharing experiences from the field ministry and
    appreciate hearing about events that occur in connection with
    Jehovah's Witnesses and the Kingdom work around the globe. They like
    to be informed about anything outstanding that may happen to our
    brothers, such as a crisis or a natural disaster, and they want to
    know if there is something they can do to help. Such interest shows
    the unity of the brotherhood, proving that we do indeed love one
    another. -John 13: 34,35;

    2. Today, we hear about world events quickly. Radio and television
    broadcasts give live coverage of events in full detail to audiences
    all over the globe. The telephone also makes it possible to
    communicate immediately with people around the world. In
    communications a recent phenomenon that is taking the world by storm
    is the Internet. -See Awake! July 22, 1997.

    3. The invention of the telephone opened the way to fast personal
    communication world-wide. Although the telephone is very useful,
    caution is needed in the way it is employed, as it can be a tool for
    improper association or activities, and overuse of the telephone can
    be expensive. Television and radio have potential in the field of
    education. Sadly, though, much of the programming is morally
    corrupt, and attention to it is a waste of time. Wisdom dictates
    that we be very selective in the use of television and radio.

    4. The Internet enables one to communicate inexpensively with
    millions of others throughout the world, and it opens the door to
    vast amounts of information. (Awake! Jan 8, 1998) The indiscriminate
    use of the Internet, however, can expose a person to great spiritual
    danger and moral dangers. How is this so?

    5. Many are concerned about readily available information that shows
    how to build weapons, including bombs. Industry complains about the
    amount of time workers waste using the internet. Much has been
    stated in our publications about the obvious spiritual dangers
    encountered on the Internet. Numerous Web Sites present violent and
    pornographic material that is entirely unsuitable for Christians.
    (Ps 119: 37) In addition to these dangers, there is a more insidious
    danger that Jehovah's Witnesses in particular need to be on guard
    against. What is this danger?

    6. Would you invite a stranger into your home without first finding
    out who he is? What if there was no way to find out? Would you allow
    such a stranger to be alone with your children? This is an
    indisputable possibility on the Internet.

    7. Electronic mail can be sent to and received from people you do not
    know. The same is true when you converse electronically in a forum
    or in a chat room. Participants may at times claim to be Jehovah's
    Witnesses, but often they are not. Someone may claim to a youth when
    he or she is not. Or a person may even falsely claim to be of a
    certain gender.

    8. Information passed on to you may come in the form of experiences
    or comments about our beliefs. This information is passed on to
    others who, in turn pass it on to still others. The information is
    generally not verifiable and may be untrue. The comments may be a
    cover for spreading apostate reasoning. -2 Thess 2: 1-3;

    9. With this danger in mind, if you use the Internet, ask yourself:
    'What do I use it for? Is there a possibility that I could be harmed
    spiritually by how I am using it? Could I be contributing to the
    spiritual injury of others?

    Lynn-- Now after going over all the formalities in the 9 paragraphs above ----they now focus on the entire purpose of this Internal MEMO to discourage JW from setting up or reading ANY SITES THAT DEAL WITH JW , but only to use the Official ""

    10. WEB SITES OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES: Consider, for example, some
    Internet sites set up by individuals who claim to be Jehovah's
    Witnesses. They invite you to visit their web sites to read
    experiences posted by others who claim to be Witnesses. You are
    encouraged to share you thoughts and views about the Society's
    literature. Some give recommendations about presentations that could
    be used in the field ministry. These site offer chat rooms for
    individuals to connect to, allowing live communication with others,
    similar to talking on the telephone. They often point you to other
    sites where you can have online association with Jehovah's
    Witnesses around the world. But can you tell for certain that these
    contacts have not been planted by apostates?

    11. Having association via the Internet may not be consistent with
    the recommendation found at Eph 5: 15-17. The apostle Paul wrote:
    Keep strict watch that how YOU walk is not as unwise but as wise
    [persons], buying out the opportune time for yourselves, because
    the days are wicked. On this account cease becoming unreasonable,
    but go on perceiving what the will of Jehovah is."

    12. The Christian congregation is the theocratic means through which
    we are fed spiritually by "the faithful and discreet slave"
    (Matt 24: 45-47) Within God's organization, we find direction and
    protection to keep us separate from the world as well as motivation
    to keep busy in the work of the Lord. (1 Cor 15: 58) The Psalmist
    indicated that he experienced joy and a feeling of security among
    God's congregated people. (Ps 27: 4,5; Ps 55: 14; Ps 122: 1) The
    congregation also provides spiritual support and assistance for
    those associated with it. Therein, you can find a group of loving,
    concerned, and caring friends - people you personally know they are
    ready and willing to help and comfort others in time of distress.
    (2 Cor 7: 5-7) Congregation members are protected by the Scriptural
    provision for disfellowshipping those who sin unrepentantly or who
    promote apostate thinking. ( 1 Cor 5: 9-13; Titus 3: 10,11) Can we
    expect to find these same loving arrangements when associating with
    others via the Internet?

    13. It has become apparent that the opposite is true. Some Web sites
    are clearly vehicles for apostate propaganda. (Ahem, H20) Such Web sites
    claim otherwise, and those who sponsor a site may give a detailed
    explanation to affirm that they truly are Jehovah's Witnesses. They
    may even request information from you in order to verify 'you' are
    one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    14. Jehovah wants to to exercise discernment. Why? Because he knows
    that it will safeguard you from various dangers. Pr 2: 10-19
    opens by saying: "When wisdom enters into your heart and knowledge
    itself becomes pleasant to your very soul, thinking ability itself
    will keep guard over you, discernment itself will safeguard you from
    what? From such things as "the bad way" those leaving upright paths,
    and people who are immoral and devious in their general course.

    15. When we go to the Kingdom Hall, there is no question that we are
    with our brothers. We know them. No one requires authentication of
    this because the brotherly love manifested make it obvious. We are
    not personally required to provide credentials to prove that we are
    one of Jehovah's Witnesses. It is here that we find true interchange
    of encouragement that Paul spoke about at Heb 10: 24,25; Web sites
    that encourage on-line association cannot be depended on to provide
    this. Having in mind the words of Ps 26: 4,5; can alert us to
    dangers that could easily be encountered when using Web sites on the

    16. There are no limits or checks on the kind of information that is
    maintained by and accessible to Internet users. Often, children and
    teenagers are easy targets of crime and exploitation in this
    environment. Children are trusting, curious, and anxious to explore
    the relatively new world of cyberspace. Parents therefore need to
    supervise their children and give them sound Scriptural guidance
    about using the Internet, just as they would guide them in their
    choice of music or movies. 1 Cor 15: 33.

    17. Sadly, some who were once our brothers and sisters have had to be
    disfellowshipped because of association that started be meeting
    worldly individuals in chat rooms on the Internet and eventually led
    to immorality. In shocked disbelief, elders have written that some
    actually left their husbands or wives to pursue a relationship that
    began on the Internet. (2 Tim 3: 6) Other individual have disowned
    the truth because of believing information provided by apostates.
    (1 Tim 4: 1,2;) Given these very serious dangers, does it not seem
    reasonable to be cautious about becoming involved in chat sessions
    on the Internet? Certainly, exercising the wisdom, knowledge,
    thinking ability, and discernment spoken of at Pr 2: 10-10 should
    safeguard us in this.

    18. Noticeably, there have been a number of individuals who have
    created Web sites ostensibly to preach the good news. Many of these
    sites are sponsored by indiscrete brothers. Other sites may be
    sponsored by apostates who wish to lure unsuspecting ones.
    (2 John 9-11) Commenting on whether there is a need for our brothers
    to creates such Web sites, "Our Kingdom Ministry" November 1997,
    page 3, stated: "There is no need for any individual to prepare
    Internet pages about Jehovah's Witnesses, our activities, or our
    beliefs. Our official site ( presents accurate
    information for any who want it"

    19. STUDY AIDS via the INTERNET? Some have felt they are rendering a
    service to the brothers by posting researched information in
    connection with various theocratic activities. For example, a person
    may do research based on a public talk outline and then post this,
    thinking that such information will benefit those who need to
    prepare the same outline. Others will post all the Scriptures for an
    upcoming Watchtower study or provide source material for the
    Theocratic Ministry School or the Congregation Book study. Some may
    offer suggestions for field ministry presentations. Are such really

    20. The publications provided by Jehovah's organization stimulate our minds with up-building thoughts and train us "to distinguish both
    right and wrong" (Heb 5: 14) Can we say that this is achieved if
    others do our research for us?

    21. The Beroeans were spoken of as "more noble-minded than those in
    Thessalonica" Why? Because "they received the word with the greatest
    eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to
    whether these things where so" (Acts 17: 11) Although Paul and Silas
    preached to them, they could not make the truth their own without
    becoming personally involved.

    22. Using another person's research for a talk or for other meeting
    preparation really defeats the purpose of personal study. Is it not
    your desire to build up your own personal faith in God's Word? Based
    on personal conviction, you can then make public expression of your
    faith-in your talks, in comments at the meetings, and in the field
    ministry. (Rom 10: 10) Using another person's research does not fit
    the description given at Pr 2: 4,5; to personally "keep seeking and
    searching for the very knowledge of God as for his treasures".

    23. For example, when looking up scriptures in your own copy of the
    Bible, you can briefly review the context of each scripture. You can
    "trace all things with accuracy" as did Luke when he wrote his
    Gospel. (Luke 1: 3) The extra effort will also help you to be
    skillful in looking up scriptures in the ministry and when giving
    talks. Many have stated that they are impressed with Jehovah's
    Witnesses because they know how to use their Bibles. The only way
    that this can apply to us is if we make it a practice personally to
    look up scriptures in our own Bibles.

    Lynn one of the most important guilt tripping tricks the wt uses is to make it's members feel that they are WASTING THEIR TIME if they are engaging in anything not related to doing WT work- meeting, field service, reading their books, etc. notice how they play this trick on jw

    24. USING OUR TIME WISELY: Another consideration in this regard has
    to do with the amount of time spent creating, reading, and
    responding to information posted on the Internet. Ps 90: 12,
    encourages us to pray: "Show us just how to count our days in such a
    way that we may bring a heart of wisdom in" Paul stated: "The time
    left is reduced" (1 Cor 7: 29) And further: "Really, then, as long
    as we have time favourable for it, let us work what is good toward
    all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith"
    Gal 6: 10;

    25. Such counsel highlights the need for us to be judicious in the
    use of our time. How much more profitable it is to spend time
    reading God's Word! (Ps 1: 1,2;) That is the best association we can
    have. (2 Tim 3: 16,17) Parents, are you teaching your children the
    value of using their time wisely in Kingdom pursuits? (Ecc 12: 1)
    Time spent in personal and family Bible study, meeting attendance,
    and field ministry far outweighs time spent browsing the Internet,
    expecting to gain benefits.

    26. In this regard, it is the course of wisdom to focus our attention
    on spiritual matters and on those things relevant and essential to
    our lives as Christians. This calls for the making of well-
    considered choices respecting the information that merits our time
    and thoughts. As Christians, that which is relevant to our lives is
    summed up by Christ, who said: "Keep on, then, seeking first the
    kingdom and his righteousness, and all these [other] things will be
    added to YOU." (Matt 6: 33) Are you not happiest when your life is
    filled with Kingdom pursuits rather than any other activity?

    27 INTERNET E-MAIL: Although sharing personal experiences or thoughts
    among family members or friends who live far apart is appropriate,
    is it really loving to pass these on to others who may not know your
    family or friends? Or should these be posted on a Web page for just
    anyone to read? Are these personal messages to be copied and sent
    indiscriminately to people whom you may or may not know? Likewise,
    if you receive from others that were clearly not intended for you,
    is it loving to pass them on to still to others?

    28. What if the experience you pass on is not accurate? Would this
    not be sharing in perpetuating an untruth? (Pr 12: 19; Pr 21: 28;
    Pr 30: 8; Col 3: 9) Certainly, keeping strict watch that how[we]
    walk is not as unwise but as wise persons" would move us to consider
    this. (Eph 5: 15) How happy we are that the 'Yearbook' the
    Watchtower' and Awake! are filled with verifiable experiences that
    encourage us and motivate us to keep walking in "the way"!
    Isa 30: 20,21;

    29. There is also another danger: The apostle Paul said concerning
    some: "They also learn to be unoccupied, gadding about to the
    houses; yes, not only unoccupied, but also gossipers and meddlers in
    other people affairs talking of things they ought not" (1 Tim 5: 13)
    This agues against spending time and effort passing on frivolous
    information to our brothers.

    30. Think, too, of the amount of time that it takes to keep up with a
    large quantity of E-Mail. Interestingly, the book Data Smog
    stated: "As one spends more and more time online, e-mail quickly
    changes from being a stimulating novelty to a time-consuming burden
    with dozens of messages to read and answer every day from
    colleagues, friends, family, ... and unsolicited sales pitches"
    Further, it states: "Many electronic glutizens have picked up the
    very bad habit of forwarding every entertaining nugget they receive
    jokes, urban myths, electronic chain letters, and more - to everyone
    on their electronic address book".

    31. This has been evident in the E-mail circulated among many of the
    brothers - such items as jokes or humorous stories on our beliefs;
    illustrations from various talks heard at assemblies, conventions,
    or at the Kingdom Hall; experiences from the field ministry; and so
    forth - things that seem innocent enough. Most routinely forward
    such E-mail without checking the source, making it difficult to know
    who really is the originator, which ought to make one wonder if the
    information is really true. Pr 22: 20,21;

    32. Such often - frivolous messages are not the kind of healthful
    words that Paul had in mind when he wrote to Timothy, saying: "Keep
    holding 'the pattern of healthful words' that you heard from me with
    the faith and love that are in connection with Christ Jesus"
    (2 Tim 1: 13) The "pure language" of Scriptural truth has "the
    pattern of healthful words" based mainly on the Bible's theme of the
    vindication of Jehovah's Sovereignty by means of the Kingdom.
    (Zeph 3: 9) We should make every effort to devote all our available
    time and energy to support this vindication of Jehovah's

    33. Since we are deep in the time of the end of this system of
    things, this is not time to let our guard down. The Bible warns us
    "Keep YOUR senses, be watchful. YOUR adversary, the Devil, walks
    about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour [someone]". (1 Pet 5: 8)
    It further states: "Put on the complete suit of armor from God that
    YOU may be able to stand firm against the machinations of the Devil;
    (Eph 6 11

    34. If misused, the Internet can be a means by which Satan
    overreaches those who are seduced by its power. Although it may have limited usefulness, there is danger if it is not viewed with
    caution. Parents especially need to be concerned about their
    children's use of the Internet.

    35. Keeping a balanced view of the Internet is a protection. We
    appreciate the timely reminder by Paul: Let .. those making use of
    the world [be] as those not using it to the full; for the scene of
    the world is changing" (1 Cor 7: 29-31) Having these things in mind
    will help keep us and our families from becoming distracted by all
    the world has to offer, including what is available on the Internet.

    36. It is imperative that we stay close to our brothers in the
    congregation and use the remaining time wisely, thus making
    ourselves available for the advancing Kingdom interests. As this
    system nears its finish, let us "no longer go on walking just as the
    nations also walk in the unprofitableness of their minds" but let us
    "go on perceiving what the will of Jehovah is" Eph 4: 17; Eph 5: 17;

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  • ballistic

    Thanks for that, I'm glad to see that the society finds our discussions informative:

    Other individual have disowned the truth because of believing information provided by apostates.

    I was too far out... and not waving but drowning - Stevie Smith

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