I decide to make a new topic and get this out of the FREDHALL thread... You said:
"...would explain his lack of communication skills and bad grammar, and also his childish attitude..."
I wonder, is this always such a "bad thing" with ALL children? Do all children "behave" like children or are there exceptions to this seemingly Rule?
When I hear dialog such as this, I always ponder how people(adults; "elders" of all children in reality) really VIEW children around them. As "lacking", "bad", "attitude"? I mean, what attitude would one adult expect from a Child?
I hope my inquiry is making sense. It makes perfect sense in My Head. Children are so sadly "labeled" by every "elder" around them. They really never stand a chance (until) they BeCome just like Them...an adult. Until that Time (passage), they are "lacking".
I don't think that comment was intended to be a critique of children's behavior. It was intended to criticise a supposedly grown man for acting immature or in a manner one would expect from a child.
I for think I would like my own kids. However, I ain't got the patience to deal with anyone else's rugrats. Children are the spawn of Satan. They immobilize you with their cruel cuteness and proceed to drain you of life's energy and your tangible resources. They're bad I tell ya they're bad!
"life's a bitch a with a g-string and a twelve pack of Busch."
When a toddler acts as a toddler - it's expected, even the temper tantrums on the floor.
If a 10 year old lays on the floor screaming - it's not so easy to accept his behaviour - particularily in the middle of the grocery store. But a 10 year old who rolls his eyes at his parents, sulks etc., is to be expected.
When an 18 year old rolls his eyes and sulks, slams doors etc., it's not so easy to accept because he's supposed to be getting mature enough to communicate.
And so it goes. When an actual, supposedly full grown man behave childishly, it really not becoming as he's not a child.
Now I'm going to be childish.... and stick my tongue out at sf...
sf - I understand childish behaviour, after all I have 3 little darlings under the age of 11 myself. So I know when to make allowances for their misuse of words, their mixing up of grammar and their less than adult behaviour. I do not have a problem with children and the fact that they have not yet developed the capacity to interact with adults on their level.
What I do have a problem with is the manner in which Fredhall tends to talk to us, it strikes me as inappropriate and sadly lacking, I expect that sort of level of intelligence from children but not from those that profess to being adult and mix in adult circles discussing adult things.
By the way, I would never think that children were 'lacking', and I would certainly not label them, I treasure my children and value them for who they are, just children, adults in training!