I casually mentioned to my JW friend yesterday that the local paper carried the AP article on JWs. He asked what it was about. I just said "something about the changes in the blood policy over the years." He acted like he had no idea what I was talking about. He responded, "as far as I know, it hasn't changed." I forwarded him the link to the article. He hasn't commented or responded, but hopefully, just maybe, it has planted a small seed.
May have planted a seed
by jstalin 7 Replies latest jw experiences
hes probably another dub that doesn't understand it
Yes, hopefully he reads it closely and then mentions it to others... but I really think the average Witless doesn't know and doesn't wanna know. Then they'd have to do something about it and it's just easier to float along on the warm fuzzy comfortable cloud of euphoria.
Bumble Bee
He responded, "as far as I know, it hasn't changed."
That is so true!! The average JW doesn't know how much things have changed over the years. I hope he reads the article with an open mind.
...and then sometimes, all it takes is that one little seed! If he comes to you about your links then you know, it worked!
one little seed is all it took for me.and now i'm a big tree of apostasy!
sorry, double post.
Or hopefully he doesn't think the article is a product of Satan's media attacking the borg.