I just completed my first ever Voter Registration form. Anyone else going to vote for the first time?
Voter Registration?
by jt stumbler 7 Replies latest jw experiences
Hey, JT...
Yes, for the first time I have registered to vote. And I look forward to doing so at the next opportunity.
I voted for the first time this year and I made my boyfriend vote as well. It was mildly entertaining as the officials told us we were at the wrong polling station yet didn't have a list of the local polls to direct us in the right direction. Organizational skills did not abound. We got the right place eventually.
I voted for the first time last year. My husband just registered yesterday.
I've voted many times now. My husband, a military veteran, doesn't bother half the time! I still get a thrill out of it, because it was forbidden for so long.
I voted in the last election. I was kinda thrilled to do it. I'll keep on doing it.
I registered to vote in December 2004 less than a month after I DA'd from a mind numbing cult managed by Satan.
one bad apple
Funniest story ever. I registered to vote. First voting day I remebered I wanted to vote about a half hour before polls closed. But the real problem was i just smoked OPIUM.(Not Something I'd ever want to do again) So i run literally around the corner to vote. Go into the voting booth close the curtain make my first voting choice (there were a few) then I think to activate the vote i pull the lever. the lever was to open the curtain. so I am standing in front of last minute voters pushing buttons pulling levers. The attendant says "ma'am you can only vote once" It takes me a minute to realize what is going on. then i say "oh" and leave when i got outside I ran all the way home and cried. SOOO STUPID!