I am thinking about becoming a Jehovas Witness. I saw on this one show where two JWs got in a car accident and needed blood but wouldn't take it. A JW pastor, I think got up and said that our Creator would be greatly offended by this practice. My mom also said they can't give thier own blood and reuse it in an emergency. It's no big deal, but I was just wondering why this is or if this is. They guy in the accident died and the woman was going to die soon if she didn't get blood, but she kept saying "No Blood." Also, my former pastor was talking about cults, and he said Jehovas Witness is a cult, but everyone I know says it's not. I'm confused.
by rocket7001 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Everyone that you know says that the Jehovah's Witnesses are not a cult? Who is everyone you know?
By the way...most people wouldn't realize that the JWs are a religious cult because of outside appearances...you know, clean cut, seem to be smiling, etc. But don't let appearances fool you...
By the way...the JWs position on blood is changing little by little.
Are you aware that originally vaccinations were not allowed for JW members because they are made from blood? Eventually, after many deaths and lawsuits, the society changed that.
Then, the blood issue...as of right now, more than half of the blood components are allowed for JWs to take in a blood tranfusions...except most JWs don't realize that. They are only told that once they arrive in the hospital, and the hospital liaison committee (made up by a bunch of elders and such) advises them what they are allowed to take and what they can't take.
Once someone becomes a JW, their entire lives become extremely controlled...down to what married people are allowed and not allowed to do in the privacy of their own bedroom. It certainly smells like a cult to me.
Just my observations, thoughts and opinions,
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada -
Please do your homework for yourself. Number one, Jehovah Witnesses do not have Pastors..so I see you have alot to learn still about he truth in this religion. Please do not listen to people who are misguided or have heard someone else say something and took it for gold. No, Jehovah Witness do not believe in taking blood, but will accept blood alternatives. There are other means of filling out the blood then taking blood. As for Jehovah Witnesses "slowly changing their view on blood", this is not true. They have always stood for the same things..it's just in the last 20 years or so, technology has offered a way around taking blood bi-products, so we opt for that choice if it is available. Jehovah Witnesses are not the only people that not believe in taking blood. There are many people out there that believe the same thing and are not witnesses. As far as that man dying by not receiving blood. He was following what the Bible and GOD teaches. I don't recall Jesus crying about dying when he gave up his life for us as GOD asked him to do, think about it. Most likely in this system of things most of us will die. The question is would you rather die with the knowledge that you followed GOD's practices and have a hope of ever-lasting life or die knowing that you didn't? The choice is yours.
Hey crbloss,
The Awake! magazine of June 22, 1982 sets forth JWs position on blood. In that magazine, there is a list of permitted and forbidden blood components that JWs can and cannot accept. Here's the list...and from the permitted blood components, please tell me which ones are alternatives or bi-products.
-whole blood
-white blood cells (leukocytes)
-red blood cells
-storing patient's own blood for subsequent trasfusionPERMITTED BLOOD COMPONENTS AND PRACTICES:
-Hemophiliac preparations (Factor VIII & IX)
-diversion of patient's blood through heart-lung machineHmmm...for one, did you know that the Hemophiliac preparations are made from massive amounts of blood? For example, each batch of Factor VIII is made from plasma that is pooled from as many as 2,500 blood donors. Wait...isn't plasma on the Forbidden list? Hmmm....
Also...Plasma composes about 55% of the volume of blood. So the Society forbids it. Yet, Plasma is 93% water and the remaining 7% is made of albumin, globulins, fibrinogen and coagulation factors (used in the permitted Hemophiliac preparations). And these are precisely the components the organization lists as allowable to its members.
In other words, plasma bad...individual components good...it's like someone telling you that you cannot eat a ham and cheese sandwich...but if you take it apart and eat everything separately, then it's OK. Again, hmmm.....
Now we'll deal with Leukocytes, often called white blood cells, which are also prohibited. Most of the leukocytes exist outside the bloodstream and in the body...around 97% of them are in the body. Meaning that when a JW accepts an organ donation, he'll/she'll simultaneously receive into their body more foreign leukocytes than in a blood transfusion. Hmmm...
Did you know that while human blood contains around 4,000 to 11,000 leukocytes per cubic millimeter, a human mother's milk during the first few months of lactation may contain up to 50,000 leukocytes per cubic milllimeter? Why hasn't the society forbidden mothers to breast feed their babies then?
To produce one vaccination (that originally the society did not permit because they were made of blood, but later changed the policy because of lawsuits and deaths), close to 3 liters (around 3/4 of a gallon) of blood are needed as the source of the supply.
Hardly a small amount, won't you agree?You should do your homework before mumbling the society's propaganda.
Seriously...if the society really believed that No blood means No blood...then vaccinations would not be allowed, the Rh shot (for mothers having incompatibility problems with their fetus) would not be allowed, albumin, immunoglobulins, and Hemophiliac preparations....they all would NOT be allowed by the society. But they are...so please think about that.
With all sincerety and respect,
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada
*Blood info taken from R.Franz's book "In Search of Christian Freedom", chapter 9, pages 286 to 290. -
As CRBloss points out, the choice is yours. And make no mistake, this is a life-altering decision. Which means that you have a lot of research ahead. One thing I would urge you: do not let anyone try to stop you asking questions or finding out information. In order to make a balanced decision, you have to know both the pros and the cons of your options, in this case, whether or not to become a Jehovah's Witness.
Your information can come from a number of sources. If you are serious about the JW's, one will conduct a "study" with you using one or more of the Watchtower publications. Again, make sure you ask questions. Do not let yourself be sidetracked, or diverted away from your questions onto other subjects. With such a major decision, you need straight and understandable answers. You may find your study conductor reluctant to answer questions on subjects such as shunning, the blood issue, or how to view non-JW family members, or issues such as Watchtower policy on child-abuse. Do not let yourself be distracted from getting answers. Ask questions to boards such as this and compare the answers you receive here to the answers your local JW's give.
You will find a lot of information on the internet, such as the sites listed at the bottom of this page. Most of these sites are created by people who were previously Jw's, and so many of them present the con side of the issue. You may wish to see how your local JW's answer some of the issues raised in these websites.
Finally, since you mentioned the question of whether JW's are a cult, why not do some research on cults and how they operate? Materials will not necessarily mention the JW's, so you can view them as a neutral source of information. See how cults operate, then compare what you see in the JW organisation and how you are treated.
Finally, I am an ex-JW, trying to "fade away" from this organisation without incurring the shunning of my wife and family. I say this so you can put my post in context with my status regarding the JW's, since obviously my viewpoint is coloured by this.
Remember that the decision is yours. Please do not be pressured into actions you are not entirely clear about or sure of.
CRBLOS, I love this;
The question is would you rather die with the knowledge that you followed GOD's practices and have a hope of ever-lasting life or die knowing that you didn't?Me I really want to do what ever my horny blood thristy ass
wanted to do and still be considered an annionted of gods.
Having said god tell' the judge' to make a palace for my great
return to rule on earth. Oh please god I've done wrong forgive
the king who knows all your laws and believes so mightly in
thee-----Please barf me with a spoon the bible is full of men
that did much worse than take blood and according to it are
alright with god. If your 2year old is lying dying in need of blood,
if you don't give it to him/her when all is said and done. Go out
and get a gun and blow your brains out because you have been
dead for way to long already. Stop making all of us who are
still alive look at your dead ass.
IT'S A CULT-------GET IT!!!!!!!!!!! -
As for Jehovah Witnesses "slowly changing their view on blood", this is not true. They have always stood for the same things.
-CRBLOSI find it very interesting and ignorant of you to say that the JWs have always stood for the same things. This is not true! In fact, find out when the JWs originally banned the use of blood products. You will not find that it was at it's conception.....
Many other things change very subtly in this organization. They make changes over time to make it seem less obvious.
peterstride -good points. you bring up things I haven't thought about.
Yeah, I know I'm going to sound like a parrot. "Polly want a truth book?" -but to every turn there is a screw!
Ge 9:4-6 Begins to develop the sanctity of blood. It's not the blood itself that is wrong, it's what it represents. The blood represents an animal or persons life. Therefore, it is an outward expression of this appreciation, that an individual would avoid misusing it.
It is so important that if a person or even an animal were to spill the blood of an innocent person than the blood of guilty was to be paid as retribution/compensation/payment for that which was lost.
Now, naturally every drop of blood cannot possibly be drained from an animal. Talk about a rare steak. Is it juice or is it blood? Obviously the greater content is blood. It is the act or manner in which a person regards the santity of blood and recognizes God's proabition on the mis-use of blood and the reasons for it, that is the point!
So great is it's value, that his son Christ Jesus only had to pour out his blood once, for all time. It's what it means. Not it's physical components.
Further laws are elaborated upon in the book of Le. one is 17:14
This is reaffirmed and obligated by christians in the decision at Acts 15:28,29 and 21:5. It is out of respect for the life giver that only being Jehovah.
The reason why vaccines were questioned, is because the agents that make innoculation possible are/were CULTURED in blood. After the blood is seperated what you have left is the live or dead viruses that can be used to kick start a persons immune system to create antibodies against the invaders. What particibles of blood are left in the serum is miniscule. However, I don't think it can be entirley removed, much like the rare steak analogy.
I think Heb. 6:6 can be used to allude to this further. It was because Jesus' blood was poured out that made his sacrifice of any value. However, individuals come along who feel they can go on with life with complete disregard, thereby showing a complete lack of respect for that blood poured out. It kind of treats Jesus' blood as a circus affair; that it can be used without any regard for its true value, which is forgiveness for genuine repentance. So a person doesn't even have to eat or transfuse blood to show it disrespect, at least here in the case of Jesus.
why the WTBS choses which parts of blood are OK and which ones are not is speculation on my part. Here it is, If a member of Bethel (someone "important", of course) or someone of the anointed (someone "more-important", of course) the Governing Body (someone "very-important" -no assuming here, people move out of the way for these guys), really need something then it's rationalized away. We all ?benefit. But if it's you or me, you're basically stuck, for the moment, or more.
Right or wrong people die for what they believe in everyday. Right or wrong they die for a cause. I feel that that decision should be respected.